south africa freedom day 2-24 Courtesy:
16 May 2024

Why insurgents struggle as governments

South Africa has just celebrated the 30th anniversary of its epic elections in 1994 which marked the end of apartheid rule. President de Klerk and Nelson Mandela avoided the expected bloodbath but, since then, the ruling African National Congress has not done well. Because the very qualities which make insurgent groups and liberation movements successful, are not the ones that make effective national governments.

Niger website Courtesy: Arab News
10 August 2023

Niger shakes off neo-colonialism

The coup has revealed three truths: the long tail of colonialism is reaching its end; alternatives to western control and command have emerged; the younger generation in developing countries have neither awe nor loyalty to the old master and nothing to lose in overthrowing the past, even though they know not their future.

ZelenskyRamaphosa-GettyImages-1258743603 Courtesy: Foreign Policy
21 June 2023

Africa seeks peace dividend

Last week, an African peace delegation travelled to Kyiv and Moscow, presenting them with a 10-point plan for peace. While the plan received mixed reactions, the African initiative was a courageous step towards peace. The effort coincides with India proposing the AU join the G20, and South Africa’s entry into the troika of G20 presidencies next year.

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30 June 2022

BRICS – the rhetoric and the reality

The Galwan crisis, pandemic and the Ukrainian war have weakened the BRICS’ credibility, a forum that has played a pivotal role in articulating the case for reformed multilateralism. Beyond grandiose rhetoric and vested interests, these five nations need to first infuse the grouping with internal solidarity and enhance mutual trust for peace, stability and prosperity in the Global South.

Measuring BRICS summit outcome Courtesy: Press Information Bureau, Government of India
14 September 2021

Measuring 15 years of BRICS

India hosted the 13th BRICS summit on September 9, celebrating 15 years of the multilateral. The leaders committed to fighting terrorism and reforming multilateral organisations, among other diverse aspects. However, the grouping clearly needs better implementation strategies if the agreements reached, are to be truly successful.

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24 October 2019

Global protests: leaderless, youthful, persistent

There has been a wave of civil protests across the globe since early 2019 which have taken governments by surprise by their sheer intensity and resilience. The common impelling factor has been discontent with government. Other factors for the current wave, beginning with the Arab Uprising in 2011, have been corruption and regressive constitutional changes. This infographic charts the arc of the outcry

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13 February 2015

AAP, Occupy and the Arab Spring

There is an emerging consensus among scholars and political analysts across the world that the 20th century advances in building democratic systems have run their course. It is in this context that AAP’s rapid rise to power might serve as a light-house of global significance—a beacon that guides others seeking to take democracy to a higher level and warns of treacherous rocks

Mandela UN NMF Photo Matthew Willman UN Courtesy: Matthew Willman/UN/NMF Photo/
6 December 2013

Honouring Nelson Mandela

In 1993, Nelson Mandela said: “We will have to go on striving to prove that King was right…when he said that humanity can no longer be tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war.” By learning from the tenacity of this striving, rather than by measuring outcomes, we can best honour Mandela

mugabe governmentZA flickr Courtesy: GovernmentZA/Flickr
7 August 2013

Zimbabwe: The road to stability?

The ZANU-PF party’s recent victory in the elections in Zimbabwe is fraught with allegations of manipulation. Reactions have varied, but South African President Jacob Zuma has endorsed the outcome. How will Mugabe’s re-election impact relations with South Africa? What will be the impact on Zimbabwe’s economy?

morsi Courtesy: Cyfraw/WikimediaCommons
2 January 2013

The chess game in Egypt

Despite heavy opposition from several factions, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi’s propositions for altering the constitution have been approved. Although the alterations have democratic elements, the liberals and secularists bear responsibility in taking forward Egypt’s journey to complete democracy.