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20 June 2024

BRICS and G7: India’s trapeze act

Prime Minister Modi’s third term began with India’s participation at the BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting in Russia and the Outreach Session of G7 in Italy. India’s participation at both conferences highlighted New Delhi’s continuing preoccupation with great powers. How Indian diplomacy navigates ties between the West and BRICS will shape and decide its strategic autonomy in a multipolar world.

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16 May 2024


The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation turns 75 this year. It has exceeded its original mandate of a collective defence for Europe and is expanding rapidly. From restraining the rise of Russia, it is now seeking non-NATO allies in Asia who wish to restrain China. This requires a nimbler, more dynamic alliance. Can NATO respond to the transformation?

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4 April 2024

China, Quad and emerging technologies

China is racing ahead in building powerful emerging technologies for use in space, cyber security, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. The Quad countries still have an edge in these capabilities – but must collaborate in the Indo-Pacific now to maintain their comprehensive national power and global influence to keep China at bay.

AI_G20 Courtesy: European Parliament
14 March 2024

A public G20 inclusive AI platform

Artificial Intelligence is a transformative technology offering developmental opportunities for marginalised communities across developing and emerging countries. However, the costs of AI access through private platforms are becoming exclusionary, negating these opportunities. It is critical to make the advantages of AI available to all. The G20 nations can invest in open source technology and create an AI Stack similar to the India Stack, for public benefit.

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27 February 2024

WTO’s MC13 must leap forward

The ongoing WTO 13th Ministerial Conference in Abu Dhabi is a critical one. Apart from reform of the existing system, negotiations on e-commerce and digital trade should be finalized, as it represents the human capital of growing digital services economies in developing and developed countries. Cooperation will demonstrate that members can produce results and chart a constructive path for the WTO system.

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4 January 2024

Reading the tea leaves for 2024

After a year affected by a sustained polycrisis, global geopolitics in 2024 remains a delicate dance between hope and realism. Ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza cast uncertain shadows, while Taiwan and the South China Sea present potential flashpoints. Indian diplomacy will have to navigate old and new challenges, while promoting India’s expertise in digital technology, as also managing its own upcoming parliamentary elections.

ASEAN summit Courtesy: ANI
22 September 2023

ASEAN’s uphill diplomatic challenge

The recent ASEAN Summit and East Asia Summits stressed the region's centrality and unity while also revealing its principal challenge: managing strategic contestation between the U.S. and China. The outcomes of both summits are reflective of ASEAN's diplomatic and strategic dilemmas in Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific.

AU g20 summit Courtesy: X / Presidency Nigeria
14 September 2023

Africa, Global South and India’s G20 presidency

The admission of the African Union to the G20 marks the multilateral's first ever expansion. The G20 will now speak for 80% of the world's population. For Africa, this means an opportunity to mainstream its concerns and priorities in global decision-making. Lastly, as the inclusion of AU in G20 took place during India’s presidency, New Delhi can enjoy the fruits of its creative diplomacy as Voice of the Global South.

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14 September 2023

Why Delhi shows the way

India’s leadership of the G20 has managed to maintain a balanced stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict in the grouping while also highlighting the need for greater accommodation of emerging powers within the multilateral framework. This experience positions India on the path to becoming a more equitable global rule-maker, fostering collaborations between the Global South and the G20.

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7 September 2023

Delhi Summit: Before the curtain rises

India’s presidency of the G20 has put a premium on its role as “the voice of the Global South”, even as it serves as the bridge between the Global South and the Global North. The upcoming Delhi Summit’s success will depend on India’s ability to balance diverse interests while broadening the areas of convergence and narrowing those of disagreement within the grouping.