OladXModi Courtesy: Getty Images
21 March 2024

Still not weatherproof

Germany is India's largest trade and economic partner in the EU, but the relationship with France is a class apart, given its strength in military aviation and willingness to be a differentiated member of the West. Must this remain so? If Germany and the EU would be more understanding of India’s democracy and its role in upholding a rules-based order, their relations would be greatly improved.

task force cover 420 Courtesy: Gateway House
16 February 2023

G20 Energy Transitions and Climate Finance Task Force Report

Significant progress has been made globally in adopting green energy. Technological advances, easier availability of capital and regulatory measures have helped. But progress is likely to slow due to the shocks caused by Covid-19 and the Ukraine crisis. How to continue the green transition whilst ensuring that lower-income countries have access to affordable energy? This Task Force offers recommendations for India’s G20 Presidency.

T20 Brochure 11 Img Courtesy: T20 Indonesia
22 September 2022

T20 Task Force Notes on Open Trade, Sustainable Investment and Industry

G20 President Indonesia, hosted the Think-20 (T20) Summit in Bali 4-6 September. The recommendations of the working groups resonate in the Leaders’ Statement released at the G20 Leaders’ Summit. The T20 Task Force on Open Trade, Sustainable Investment and Industry published its notes on multilateral trade reform, digital trade, health. Yose Rizal Damuri of CSIS, is the Lead Co-Chair of this Task Force.

India-France_Cover-02 Courtesy: Gateway House
5 May 2022

India-France: A Reliable Partnership

India and France have long been reliable partners, and friends in need. The fifth meeting between the leaders of the two countries highlights the focus on strengthening cooperation in 21st century issues. The India-France Track 1.5 Dialogue, hosted by Gateway House, Mumbai and Ifri, Paris, explored the potential of cooperation in digitalisation and energy transition

Quad Economy and Technology Task force report Courtesy: Gateway House
23 August 2021

Quad Economy and Technology Task Force Report

Conceived in 2020, the task force studied promising areas for cooperation between the Quad countries beyond their pre-existing maritime security partnership. The report highlights the need to increase economic and technological interdependence among the Quad countries and to establish common and updated rules and standards for emerging technologies in five study areas. The unique mix of the group – three developed and one developing nation, three Pacific and one Indian Ocean nation, three producer-trading nations with one massive emerging market – lends itself to innovation, experimentation and cooperation that can be a template for a new, post-pandemic geopolitical era.