g7-summit-1-6927406-1718390321112 Courtesy:
20 June 2024

BRICS and G7: India’s trapeze act

Prime Minister Modi’s third term began with India’s participation at the BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting in Russia and the Outreach Session of G7 in Italy. India’s participation at both conferences highlighted New Delhi’s continuing preoccupation with great powers. How Indian diplomacy navigates ties between the West and BRICS will shape and decide its strategic autonomy in a multipolar world.

OladXModi Courtesy: Getty Images
21 March 2024

Still not weatherproof

Germany is India's largest trade and economic partner in the EU, but the relationship with France is a class apart, given its strength in military aviation and willingness to be a differentiated member of the West. Must this remain so? If Germany and the EU would be more understanding of India’s democracy and its role in upholding a rules-based order, their relations would be greatly improved.

task force cover 420 Courtesy: Gateway House
16 February 2023

G20 Energy Transitions and Climate Finance Task Force Report

Significant progress has been made globally in adopting green energy. Technological advances, easier availability of capital and regulatory measures have helped. But progress is likely to slow due to the shocks caused by Covid-19 and the Ukraine crisis. How to continue the green transition whilst ensuring that lower-income countries have access to affordable energy? This Task Force offers recommendations for India’s G20 Presidency.

global south summit Courtesy: Twitter/@DrSJaishankar
19 January 2023

Voice of Global South Summit@G20

The recent Voice of the Global South Summit in New Delhi attracted 125 developing countries, and some tangible outcomes for India to carry to its G20 presidency agenda. It showed India's equity to be intact, despite a perception that in the past decade, India has moved away from NAM and closer to the developed West.

GH in the G20 & T20 Courtesy: Gateway House
16 December 2022

Gateway House in G20 & T20

Gateway House is the only institution in India that has hosted official and independent meetings under the annual G20 process since 2015. In October 2022, Gateway House initiated an independent G20 Task Force on Energy Transitions and Climate Finance, the first task force of India's G20 Presidency of 2023. In this compendium of reports, Gateway House assesses and includes its engagement with this influential multilateral through task forces, research and meetings of the last nine G20 Presidencies.

UN Russia Ambassador Courtesy: Justin Lane/European Pressphoto Agency
5 October 2022

Double standards at the UNSC

The BRICS have largely abstained from the UNSC resolution condemning Russia’s attempts to annex four Ukrainian provinces. Is it BRICS solidarity or is it because the interests of the Global North and its allies, and those of the Global South, are diverging?

Modi In G20 Courtesy: Narendra Modi/Facebook
25 August 2022

Geopolitics, G20 and India’s Choices

India will be president of the G20 in 2023. The world’s most influential economic governance body is facing an existential crisis, where the major powers have fallen out. With geopolitical currents redefining geo-economics, India needs to be ready to emerge as the chief global diplomat.

Critical-minerals-Australia-Government-strategy-640x400 Courtesy: Small Caps
28 July 2022

Partnering with Japan for critical minerals supply

The supply of critical minerals, crucial for new and emerging technologies such as electric vehicles, electronics and renewable energy production, faces a significant disruption due to Covid and the Ukraine crisis. As the prices of these valuable resources surge, India can secure its supplies through the sagacious use of financial investments, efficient policies, and propriety technology. A collaboration with Japan can offer multifaceted benefits.

G7GS Courtesy: telegraphindia.com
13 July 2022

The G7 woos the global south

The G7 has reached out to emerging economies which have, of late, been facing challenges on the economic front, brought on by the lingering pandemic and the mismanagement of the Ukraine crisis. They are also seeking, from the global south, a broader acceptance of their world view. Will it be forthcoming?