VizagPort Courtesy: Wikimapia
6 September 2017

Innovation’s role in the Blue Economy

The new global emphasis on the Blue Economy is attracting the interest of governments, development agencies, and more recently, social impact investors. A marked change from previous years is the increased participation of developing and coastal economies, which are its very beneficiaries

Maritime Cover Courtesy: Wikipedia
22 December 2016

India-EU: maritime security cooperation

With common objectives in the Indo-Pacific, the maritime sphere is a good opportunity for India and the EU to deepen cooperation. They must focus on preventing outbreak of an inter-state armed conflict; addressing maritime piracy; adhering to the UNCLOS; and developing maritime infrastructure and the blue economy in the region

indian ocean article Courtesy: Wiki
15 September 2016

India bolsters Indian Ocean strategy

In the last few years, India has stepped up its engagement with the countries of the Indian Ocean. At the first Indian Ocean Conference held last week, a consensus emerged that New Delhi needed to redouble their efforts to foster political, security, economic, and cultural cooperation in the region.

southblock Courtesy: rajkumari1220/Flickr
18 April 2014

Circles & Corridors of Economic Diplomacy

India’s political and economic future will be determined over the next few weeks. Gateway House recommends a priority diplomacy agenda for the next government – one which puts economics at the heart of our foreign policy

green africa Courtesy: trendscout::/Flickr
4 October 2012

A Green Agenda for Africa

All the major economic forces in the world have come together in Africa in a new version of the Great Game. The competition for the continent’s resources will ultimately harm Africa unless Africa uses this opportunity to its advantage and to address its own serious problems.

UN Photo Marco Castro_210x140 Courtesy: UNPhoto/MarcoDormino
12 April 2011

New trends in the management of upheaval

A new United Nations doctrine is revolutionising the manner in which Western powers achieve regime change. Under the pretext of “Responsibility to Protect” –as the doctrine is named –armed intervention does not depend on the aspirations of a populace but the facilitation of existing power equations

cover1 (1 of 1) Courtesy:
1 September 2010

Not Ready for Prime Time

The world’s leading international institutions may be outmoded, but Brazil, China, India, and South Africa are not ready to join the helm. Their shaky commitment to democracy, human rights, nuclear nonproliferation, and environmental protection would only weaken the international system’s core values.