Myanmar Sanctions Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons/Htoo Tay Zar
1 May 2012

Sanctions on Myanmar: Have they worked?

The West is quick to claim that their sanctions against Myanmar have forced the government to implement political and economic reforms in the country. However, such bans do not usually achieve their stated purpose of forcing regimes to change their behavior.

Courtesy: IAEA Imagebank
9 April 2012

Iran: An opportunity for BRICS

The scope for any process on nuclear talks with Iran to founder on distrust, misunderstanding and political in-fighting in both Tehran and Washington remains formidable. Equally disturbing are the wider political realities. Can the upcoming talks in Istanbul launch a process that can, over time, lead to agreement?

martin wolf cfr Courtesy: World Economic Forum/Flickr
30 March 2012

Does the BRICS Group Matter?

The emerging BRICS economies agree that the West should hold less sway in the global economy. But their leaders, despite regular summits, have failed to articulate a coherent vision because of divergent interests, says journalist Martin Wolf.

Brics_Summit_-_2012 copy Courtesy: Saurabh Das/AP Photo
30 March 2012

BRICS: Moving in the right direction?

The 4th BRICS Summit in New Delhi has brought a new dimension to emerging markets. The author explains why the summit was perhaps the most significant of the BRICS meetings so far – and one that should have the developed world really worried about their eroding position at the top of the global heap.

botopoulos Courtesy:
28 March 2012

“Greeks do not want to leave the Eurozone”

Kostas Botopoulos, Greece’s point-man in money markets, speaks to Gateway House's Akshay Mathur about Greece's bailout process, building consensus within the European Union, the reforms demanded by stakeholders and what it all means for India and the global economy.

Jacob Zuma copy Courtesy: World Economic Forum/Flickr
15 March 2012

Why is South Africa a BRIC?

Alisha Pinto interviewed Renu Modi, an expert on Indo-Africa relations, on South Africa and its role in the BRICS. She also discusses its ties with China, its climate change position, and foreign investments from BRIC countries.

Courtesy: PMO
13 March 2012

India-Brazil: pioneers of a new development agenda

India and Brazil have declared inclusive development an imperative and have engineered creative solutions to meet their developmental challenges. But both also face many obstacles to equitable development. Can the upcoming BRICS Summit in New Delhi help drive a new development agenda?

Beware copy Courtesy: upton/Flickr
9 March 2012

Beware of cheap lending from China

While India’s mega-companies are only experiencing the beginning of Beijing’s accommodating bank policy, Brazil and Russia seem to have grown accustomed to Chinese money. Before they meet in New Delhi for the 2012 BRICS summit, it’s important to remember that China’s loans come with strings attached.