aiib Courtesy: file photo/Xinhua, Wikipedia
23 April 2015

An ASEAN lens on the AIIB

The AIIB is a step along a path that started with the Asian financial crisis, which defined ASEAN’s views about the U.S.’s commitment to the region. Although the bank may signal the rise of China, it is also a coming together of Chinese and ASEAN goals—ASEAN’s focus on infrastructure for growth requires another source of finance, and this forecasts its strong relationship with the AIIB

AIIB Courtesy: file photo/Xinhua
1 April 2015

The new multilateral financial architecture

The announcement that major European powers will join the AIIB as founding members means the bank is now clearly accepted as a tangible game changer in the multilateral financial architecture. The formidable intentions of AIIB and the new transnational corridors project are both a challenge and an opportunity for India

Lagarde 2 Courtesy: IMF
19 March 2015

IMF, RBI and interest rates

The IMF’s 2014 review has some good GDP news but its reservations on interest rates bears closer attention. It can take 32 months for the effects of a an interest rate cut to be felt. What does this mean for the Indian economy?

B20 in G20 Courtesy:
26 February 2015

Reconfiguring the role of business in G20

The B20 forum has become an important advisor to the G20, bridging the gap between business and foreign policy. Its effectiveness will depend on whether it can emerge as a solutions provider for the G20 and not just an advocacy forum. Indian business can play a vital role in shaping this mandate

Mumbai Courtesy: wikimedia
7 November 2014

BRICS headquarters in Mumbai

Globally, metropolitan cities are becoming powerful centres that sustain entire countries. In the case of Mumbai, the government can work backwards by stitching the infrastructure and governance together. The tried-and-tested technique is to host an international institution or event. Gateway House argues that Mumbai is most appropriate to be home to the headquarters of BRICS

Policy Perspectives
WTO Courtesy: wikimedia
15 October 2014

India’s curious stand at WTO

India’s decision to block the Trade Facilitation Agreement at the World Trade Organisation in July was perplexing; the confusion was compounded because India was almost alone in its position. This policy perspective explains the reasons for India’s curious stand

IS Courtesy: U.S. Staff Sergeant Aaron Allmon
16 September 2014

Modi, Obama and the Islamic State

Obama’s strategy to target the IS in Syria within the framework of a U.S.-led international coalition has met with a tepid response. There are reports that the U.S may offer India a non-NATO ally status during Modi’s upcoming visit in a bid to seek greater support – a gesture that India will do well to disregard.

Refugees in Sicily Courtesy: Vito Manzari/Wikimedia Commons
13 August 2014

Change EU’s refugee policy

A refugee policy that absolves more capable and resource rich nations of any responsibility towards transnational asylum seekers is archaic and has lived beyond its time. Keeping in mind the EU's receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize for advancing causes of peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights, it is incumbent upon it to set new standards and reform its refugee policy