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22 June 2022

Extending India’s Maritime Security Strategy

Great power competition in the Indo-Pacific is a concern for regional powers. India’s maritime security strategy has adapted to this geo-political change, and is moving from acting as a balancing power, to a leading force in the region. India is a near, yet non-resident power, and has a strategy for providing stability, prosperity, and security in the Indo-Pacific and Indian Ocean regions.

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8 June 2022


June 6, 2022, marks 25 years since India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar and Thailand joined hands to create BIMSTEC and infuse South Asia with economic and institutional cooperation. The strategic geography of this grouping has the potential to bring new synergy between South Asia and the recently-instituted Indo Pacific Economic Framework, ASEAN and the Quad, for a prosperous, secure Bay of Bengal Community.

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31 May 2022

Resilient, dependable globalisation

In 2021-22, the U.S. overtook China as India’s largest trading partner. This is a significant milestone, and one that Atul Keshap as President of the US-India Business Council, intends to enhance. Keshap is a former ambassador and was the popular U.S. Chargé d’Affaires for India in 2021. He is also the optimist-in-chief for the India-U.S. bilateral. In this interview, Keshap speaks to Gateway House’s Manjeet Kripalani about the changed definition of globalisation, and the unique opportunities for India and the U.S. in a transforming world order.

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30 May 2022

The Quad deepens strategic commitment

After its fourth summit on May 24, the Quad has emerged stronger and clearer in its initiatives which are aimed at addressing the Indo-Pacific’s geopolitical challenges. India now has a chance to work with like-minded democracies on an equal footing, with much to contribute. The Quad’s strategy for the Indo-Pacific is to deepen internalised cooperation for continued peace, prosperity, and stability.

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26 May 2022

India’s EO satellites in the Indo-Pacific

The Quad has agreed to launch a satellite-based maritime security initiative to curb illegal fishing by China. India is a global leader in satellite launches, especially in Earth Observation (EO) satellites. The Indo-Pacific nations are looking at the Indian model because it is applicable, economical, and sustainable.

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23 May 2022

The credibility challenge for Quad

A serious stocktaking is expected at the Quad Leaders' Summit in Tokyo, to measure the progress of its wide-ranging list and proposals. In addition to vaccine partnerships, climate change, and connectivity, the Quad must now craft a common strategy for and expedite cooperation in, the economy, higher education, industry, and technology. It will also project unity in the Indo-Pacific region.

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19 May 2022

Incorporating the Blue Economy into BIMSTEC

The BIMSTEC charter has laid the foundations for a prosperous, peaceful, and sustainable Bay of Bengal region, a goal that can be achieved by greater integration and deeper collaboration. While ensuring continuity with past efforts and strengthening economic cooperation is necessary, it must also realise its potential in newer areas such as the blue economy, which has three interlinked pillars— connectivity, prosperity, and regional stability.

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5 May 2022

India-Australia: Aligning interests

The signing of the Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement between India and Australia in April, shows how well Australia has understood its new economic partner. In this special podcast, Lisa Singh, CEO, Australia-India Institute, and Manjeet Kripalani, Executive Director, Gateway House, have a wide ranging discussion on areas of strategic cooperation from trade, digital governance, connectivity and maritime security, to multilateral engagement in G20 and the Quad.

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5 May 2022

India-France: A Reliable Partnership

India and France have long been reliable partners, and friends in need. The fifth meeting between the leaders of the two countries highlights the focus on strengthening cooperation in 21st century issues. The India-France Track 1.5 Dialogue, hosted by Gateway House, Mumbai and Ifri, Paris, explored the potential of cooperation in digitalisation and energy transition