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6 June 2019

BECA and the 5G-weather clash

The Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geospatial Cooperation (BECA), the last of the India-U.S. foundational agreements, will enable India to avail of U.S. expertise on geospatial intelligence and to sharpen the accuracy of weapons and automated hardware systems used for military purposes. But the over-emphasis on imaging in the agreement overlooks the likelihood of a clash between the telecom and meteorological technologies, which can hurt India’s crucial capabilities in space-based weather forecasting and disaster management

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30 May 2019

Foreign policy continuum with the BJP

India’s foreign policy is increasingly blended in with its domestic agenda – and vice versa. Prime Minister Modi’s past proactive foreign policy has paid dividends in bringing global attention to India, a fact young voters have noticed and approved. In his second term, what will India’s foreign policy look like? A continuum of the past, but also new frameworks for the future

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28 May 2019

PM Modi’s foreign policy 2.0

India's foreign policy under the second Modi government will take account of a turbulent world in which the old verities are disappearing and domestic political compulsions exert overwhelming influence on external postures

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24 May 2019

Pricing nature: India’s opportunity

The re-election of the Bharatiya Janata Party to Parliament means that India’s infrastructure buildout will continue apace. This will be a heavy load on the environment. It will also have to abide by Prime Minister Modi’s commitment to the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. This offers an opportunity for the government to think innovatively about measures for sustainable development, particularly in pricing nature

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23 May 2019

EU’s right coalesces

The German-French collaboration has been the motor of the European Union so far, but there has been a rise of resentment within the other European countries, with a mobilisation of right-wing parties and talk of an Italian-Polish motor instead, says Neelam Deo, Director and Co-Founder of Gateway House, in this interview. Elections to the European Parliament are taking place from May 23-26

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21 May 2019

Elections 2019: Making India Middle Class

The Bharatiya Janata Party, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has been returned to power for another five years, till 2024. In the run-up to the national elections, the author travelled to Bengal and Uttar Pradesh, two of India’s most important states, to gauge the mood of the electorate, and to assess the economic and political conditions on the ground since the last election in 2014. She found a new generation with big dreams, and a population whose basic needs were being met. Economic citizenry has trumped identity politics. Modi is the leitmotif for this India, and they look to him to lead them into a middle class future.

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9 May 2019

IBSA in the contemporary global governance

The following are remarks given by Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, Gateway House at a panel discussion on ‘Contemporary Global Governance and the Role of IBSA’, at the IBSA Academic Forum hosted by RIS and the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.