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2 February 2016,

Myanmar: Transition within transition

Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia's article 'Myanmar: Transition within transition' was republished by The Political Indian.

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Myanmar’s long-term transition from the 50-year old military rule to democracy began in March 2011, with a retired general as the president. As he prepares to demit office, the short-term transition between elections on 8 November 2015 and the end of President Thein Sein’s innings on 30 March 2016, has gained momentum. There are important developments that are unfolding and may impact the shift from the present ‘controlled democracy’ to ‘full-fledged democracy’ in the long run.

The Internal political scene has been dominated by two key issues: the new, emerging equation between the winner in elections–the National League for Democracy (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Kyi and the military leadership; and  ethnic reconciliation.

Here is the full article on The Political Indian.