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24 September 2013, The Hindu

A sugar rush that could fuel the economy

The Hindu republished an article by Gateway House's Ambassador R. Viswanathan on India's extreme dependence on imported energy. He argues that India, being the world’s second-largest producer of sugarcane, should emulate Brazil by replacing petrol with ethanol as fuel

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The public and media were outraged recently after a suggestion that petrol stations could be closed from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. to curb consumption. Oil import is the heaviest burden on India’s foreign exchange, at $144 billion last year. The situation could get worse, given the potential for an increase in crude prices with further destabilisation in West Asia. India needs to think beyond 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. and look for long-term, indigenous, sustainable solutions — solutions innovated in Brazil.

Flexi-fuel engines

One way to reduce petrol consumption is to use ethanol as a fuel. Brazil has already done it successfully, reducing petrol consumption by 30 per cent. All new cars produced in Brazil have flexi-fuel engines which run on 100 per cent ethanol or 100 per cent petrol or any combination of the two. In addition, there is a 20 per cent mandatory ethanol addition to petrol.