Gateway House: Indian Council on Global Relations is committed to reaching out to different constituencies so that they gain a better understanding of the world and the foreign policy choices facing India, foreign governments and other non-state actors. Gateway House wishes to engage with groups and organizations of interested citizens who can play an important role in the foreign policy debate in New Delhi and around the world. These groups include educators and students, religious leaders, state and local officials and non-profit and community leaders.

Educators: Gateway House hopes to serve as a valuable resource for the academic community by connecting educators and students at the college and graduate level with our research and unbiased and independent analysis. We can work with schools, universities and academics on multiple joint projects and events.
Foreign Policy Roadshow | Video Series: Careers in International Affairs

State and Local Government Officials: Gateway House wishes to engage with state and local government leaders in Mumbai and Maharashtra. Foreign policy continues to be one of the areas ignored by local and grassroots politicians with local voices often missing from the foreign policy debate in New Delhi. Gateway House hopes to fill this void by involving local administrators and officials as members and collaborators of the institute.

Non-profit and Community Leaders: Gateway House seeks to serve as a resource of information and analysis on global affairs for leaders in this sector.
For more information on how to participate in Gateway House’s outreach initiatives, please email outreach@gatewayhouse.in