Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
The psychology of Putin, the ideology of his regime, and the machinery received exhaustive attention in the West. The Russian people, however, remain poorly understood.
Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
"Sooner or later this economy will slow,” the New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman declared of China in 1998. He continued: “That’s when China will need a government that is legitimate."
Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
In the aftermath of World War II, the United States set about building a global, rules-based economic order.
Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
In 2015, before resigning his position as economy minister in President François Hollande’s government, Emmanuel Macron explained his idea of French democracy
Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
Since the end of World War II, U.S. administrations of both parties have relied on a time-honored foreign policy tool: training and equipping foreign militaries.
Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, has a point about Europe and NATO.
Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
For decades, Israeli and Palestinian politicians have pursued a political solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, only to see their hopes dashed again and again.
Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
The global recovery from the Great Recession of 2009 has just entered its eighth year and shows few signs of fading.
Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
For decades, outsiders have thought of China as a country where religion and faith play marginal roles.
Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
During the nineteenth century, the United States played a minor role in the global balance of power.