Frank Schell

Frank Schell


Frank Schell is a business management consultant presently engaged on a global energy project.  He was an independent senior consultant for Charles River Associates, a global consulting firm based in Boston, MA (2009-2011) in the risk management and strategy practices. His earlier career was in corporate banking, including over twenty years with the First National Bank of Chicago and its successors (1981-2002).  He had a number of international and domestic positions and was a member of senior management.  He has substantial experience in business management, emerging markets finance, risk management, public policy, and international affairs. Postings in international banking included Kenya, London, and Brazil where he was country head for First Chicago. Mr. Schell was assistant treasurer of Ford Aerospace and Communications Corporation, a wholly-owned defense/aerospace subsidiary of Ford Motor Company (1978-1981). He started his banking and finance career with Continental Bank in 1972. Industry board affiliations included the National Foreign Trade Council and the Bankers’ Association for Foreign Trade.  Mr. Schell was a Lecturer on South Asian affairs at the Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago 2010-2018 and a guest lecturer 2009, where he served on the Dean’s International Council.  Mr. Schell was based in northern India with the U.S. Peace Corps (1969-1972). He holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and a BA from Stanford University. His numerous essays on global affairs and South Asia have appeared in the Far Eastern Economic ReviewChicago TribuneNational Strategy Forum ReviewAmerican Spectator, and at Gateway House of Mumbai, India. He speaks German, Hindi-Urdu, Portuguese, and French. Disclaimer: External experts are not affiliated with Gateway House and have been presented here for reference only.

Business, India History

Last modified: February 27, 2025

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