The Gateway House Podcast is a special audio product created by Gateway House to provide indepth discussion and analysis on important foreign policy events in an accessible, and digestible format. The podcast frequently features experts from Gateway House as well as several external experts from across the world. You can follow the podcast on iTunes and Soundcloud. Current Host: Virpratap Vikram Singh, Website Content Manager, Gateway House Past Hosts: Shubhashish, Ashna Contractor, Dev Lewis

Recent projects

Podcast: India-U.S: Surge to $1 trillion by 2030
5 August 2015 Gateway House

Podcast: India-U.S: Surge to $1 trillion by 2030

Gateway House is publishing a book on the U.S.-India partnership and how it can be elevated to $1 trillion by 2030. The book shows how a unique moment exists for the two countries—led be the private sector and NGOs—to create a partnership that boosts quality of life and development in both countries. It contains research from numerous key business leaders, government officials and other experts from across industries in both India and the U.S. Ahead of the launch of the Book, Dev Lewis, Digital Media and Content Coordinator at Gateway House, speaks to Nish Acharya, author of the book and Visiting Fellow, U.S.-India Studies at Gateway House, about the key ideas in the book and his insights into the U.S.-India relationship
Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 6.27.12 pm Courtesy:
14 July 2015 Gateway House

What the Iran deal means for the region and India

After 12 years of negotiations on Iran's civilian nuclear program between Iran and the P5+1 countries, a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was announced on July 14. Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, sits down with Dev Lewis, Gateway House, to discuss the agreement, how the sanctions will be lifted, and what a re-emerged Iran means for India and the middle-east