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5 December 2015,

‘Europe hesitant to send in troops after 13/11 attack’

Manjeet Kripalani, Executive Director, Gateway House, was quoted by The Times of India in an article on the geopolitical implications of the 13/11 terrorist attacks on Paris, France. The quote was drawn from a panel discussion she participated in at the Times LitFest, Mumbai on ‘The Global Chessboard After 13/11.′

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Manjeet Kripalani, co-founder of think-tank Gateway House, was quite blunt with her assessment of “the West’s hypocrisy”.

“The larger problem of radical Islamists is that Saudi Arabia continues to pour funds into spreading Wahhabism to different parts of the world struggling with problems of poverty and inequality. No one speaks out against this. The US funds Saudi Arabia. The US continues to fund and arm Pakistan, which is a training ground for terror. The West is responsible for the problem,” she said.

Click here to read the full article.