Sunday, 16 March 2025

The inaugural edition of The Gateway of India Dialogue was held on 13-14 June, 2016 and saw participation by several esteemed members of the Indian and international diplomatic and business communities. There was representation by the Indian government, with seven top officials present, including four ministers. Over 220 delegates from 20 countries attended, with 41 experts from 15 countries featuring on different panels.  The theme, ‘Where Geopolitics meets Business’, covered topics, such as Innovation for Asian Integration, Globalisation of Talent and Movement of Labour, and Strategic Financing for Effective Economic Diplomacy.  The conference received extensive media coverage in more than 700 publications from India and around the world. The second edition of the conference was held on 13-14 February 2017.

Download the 2016 GOID Conference Report | The Gateway of India Geoeconomic Dialogue 2017

The Gateway of India Dialogue: Where geopolitics meets business

Gateway House and the Ministry of External Affairs are co-hosting India’s first ever major foreign policy conference:

This will be an annual, international geoeconomic conference – a Davos-meets-Manama-dialogue, set in India’s unique context.  Prime Minister Modi has raised India’s global profile, and India is now the fastest growing large economy. The discussions will highlight the role of economic diplomacy and corporate engagement in promoting India’s strategic and commercial interest.

The conference began with Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar delivered his keynote address on “Aligning business and strategic goals”.


U.K. Sinha, Chairman of the Securities And Exchange Board Of India, delivered the Breakfast Keynote during the Dialogue on The Politics of Global Capital.

Breakfast Dialogue - Keynote - UK Sinha 02

Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas, delivered the Power Keynote during the Dialogue on The Geopolitics of New Energy.

Power Dialogue - Keynote - Dharmendra Pradhan 02

Kiren Rijiju, Minister of State for Home Affairs, delivered the Evening Keynote during the Dialogue on Cybersecurity and Terrorism.

Evening Dialogue - Keynote - Kiren Rijiju 02

The conference closed with Minister of State for External Affairs Gen. (retd.) V.K. Singh delivering his closing keynote address on “India’s Global Engagement Strategy – Greater Energy, Growing aspirations”.


Please find further information about the programme, speakers and contact details below.

13 June, 2016 | Monday

(Free for) Bilateral meetings between Foreign, Finance, Commerce ministers and officials.

6.00 – 7.20 pm: Reception for delegates and select invitees

7.30 – 8.15 pm: Keynote Session: Aligning Business and Strategic Goals

Welcome Remarks by Blaise Fernandes, CEO, Gateway House
Introduction by Adi Godrej, Chairman, Godrej Group
Opening Address by Harsha de Silva, Deputy Foreign Minister, Republic of Sri Lanka
Keynote Address by S. Jaishankar, Foreign Secretary

Around the world, governments are aligning foreign policy and business priorities to formulate a comprehensive foreign economic policy. India is being propelled rapidly on this path by its national economic objectives, foreign business interests, shifting global investment trends, and commitments to multilateral economic forums. Now is the time for business and government to creatively design a foreign economic policy together.

Related article: BRICS headquarters in Mumbai | BRICS bank: what’s in a location? | Making Mumbai great again

8.30 pm: Dinner

14 June, 2016 | Tuesday

7.30 – 8.00 am: Breakfast and Registration

8.00 – 9.00 am: Opening Dialogue: Innovating for Asian Integration

Mohandas Pai, Chairman, Manipal Group
Curtis Chin, former U.S. Ambassador to the Asian Development Bank
Syed Munir Khasru, Chairman, IPAG (Institute for Policy, Advocacy and Government), Bangladesh
Moderator: K.N. Vaidyanathan, Chief Risk Officer, Mahindra Group

As Asia begins to envision its potential as a Common Market, the possibilities to innovate for this integration are immense. Can Asia’s technology giants partner with each other to create new products and services that are affordable and innovative for Asian markets – and beyond? What policy innovations are needed to stimulate these new trends?

Related article: Innovation bridge: Silicon Valley to India | The Manipal Dialogue: Asia together

9.10 – 10.20 am: Breakfast Keynote: The Politics of Global Capital

Keynote by U.K. Sinha, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board Of India

Zhang Wencai, Vice President, Asian Development Bank
Jane Diplock AO, Deputy Chairman, International Integrated Reporting Council
Rohinton P. Medhora, President, Centre for International Governance Innovation, Canada
Moderator: Luis Miranda, Senior Advisor, Morgan Stanley Infrastructure

Capital seeks return, and is indispensible for economic activity. But as the world becomes more financially integrated, capital is being used with greater intensity as an instrument for securing geopolitical and geoeconomic goals. Currency wars, global financial regulations, international financial centres and transnational financial market infrastructure – these are the platforms where the new global economic rules are being designed.

10.20 -11.45 am: Dialogue II: Strategic financing for effective economic diplomacy

David Rasquinha, Deputy Managing Director, EXIM Bank India
Mark Calabria, Director of Financial Regulation Studies, CATO Institute
Hans Kundnani, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, German Marshall Fund, Berlin
Kapil Kapoor, Director, African Development Bank
Serdar ÇAM, President, Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency
Moderator: Akshay Mathur, Director of Research and Geoeconomics Fellow, Gateway House

The era of aid diplomacy initiated by the West has been overtaken by China’s innovative, successful resource diplomacy. With the establishment of China’s AIIB and the New Development Bank, outward foreign direct investments, export financing and sovereign wealth funds are becoming strategic instruments of the new economic diplomacy. India is starting to participate, beyond its existing strengths in capacity-building programmes. What are the pros and cons of this evolving architecture? How effective has this evolution been for developing countries and emerging markets? Can India add new dimensions to this diplomatic play?

11.50 – 1.00 pm: Luncheon Keynote: Mega trade agreements: Economic fragmentation or integration?

Hidetoshi Nishimura, President, ERIA, Indonesia
Seiji Takagi, Deputy Director-General for Trade Policy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan
Wang Wen, Executive Dean, Chongyang Institute of Financial Studies, Renmin University, Beijing
Moderator: Sachin Chaturvedi, Director General, Research and Information Systems, New Delhi

The new mega-trade agreements being proposed will have winners and losers. The old institutions like the WTO are weakening as focus shifts to plurilateral arrangements, and include services, investments and sub-national regulations. Where does India stand in this, the spaghetti bowl of trade agreements? How will the emergence of mega-trade agreements impact and influence the new rules of trade?

Related article: TPP & ISDS: new tests for India

1.00 – 2.00: Lunch

2.00 – 3.30: Dialogue III: Globalization of Talent and Movement of Labour 

Manish Sabharwal, Teamlease
Lant Pritchett, Harvard Kennedy School, author Let their People Come
Chris Alexander, former Minister of Immigration, Canada
Moderator: Meera Sanyal, Director, Pradan

Two global movements are occurring simultaneously. One is the globalization of technology, finance, goods and services, which has created clusters of talent and prosperity around the globe. The other is massive migration, for economic security or as refuge from wars. How are countries and companies dealing with these divergent but concurrent shifts? Has it stalled the process of economic integration? How can talent be successfully harnessed within these vast migrations, without slowing down global economic momentum?

3.30 – 4.30: Dialogue IV: Virtual finance: inclusive, invisible, impactful

Anshu Jain, Former Co-CEO, Deutsche Bank; Advisor, SoFi
Piyush Gupta, Group CEO, DBS Bank, Singapore
Moderator: Jane Diplock AO, Deputy Chairman, International Integrated Reporting Council

The existing global financial system is being upended by innovations in mobile banking, cashless transactions, bitcoin, crowd-funding and the still-vibrant hawala system. How will these innovations shape the global financial order? What international and domestic policies should we design to enable an effective, legitimate and fair financial system?

Related article: China: Internet Finance pioneer

4.30 – 5.30: Dialogue V: Soft Power, Hard Influence 

Vikas Swarup, spokesman, MEA; author of Q&A (Slumdog Millionaire)
Kabir Khan, Director
Hugo Weihe, CEO, SaffronArt Mumbai
Moderator: Shobhaa De, Columnist and Author, Superstar India

In the 21st century, great powers are no longer defined by just their economic or military prowess – but by their ability to be liked and respected as a leader. Soft power is typically viewed as an attractive culture, cuisine, technology, society, but also in more political terms as democracy and institutions. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s frequent references to the Upanishadic concept of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam, One World Family, introduces another dimension, raising the bar for India to position itself beyond culture as its soft power strength, to being a champion of both multi-culturalism and ecologically-balanced economic growth.
Can India convert this new dimension into hard geopolitical influence?

5.30 – 5.45 pm: Tea/Coffee Break

5.45 – 6.55 pm: Power Dialogue: The Geopolitics of New Energy

Keynote by Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of State, Petroleum and Natural Gas

Martha Crawford, Executive Director, Sustainable Development Solutions
R. Andreas Kraemer, Senior Fellow, IASS Potsdam; Founder & Director Emeritus, Ecologic Institute, Berlin
Eytan Sheshinski, Professor Emeritus, Hebrew University of Israel
Moderator: Neelkanth Mishra, India Equity Strategist, Credit Suisse

The influence of energy is shifting from the oil-rich West Asian countries to the newly producing developed countries, and shifting from the physical markets to the commodity markets. How will this shift impact the trade and investments in global energy assets? What will be the impact of the financialisation of energy markets on price discovery, cross-border trading and hedging?

7.00 – 8.10 pm: Evening Keynote: Cybersecurity and Terrorism

Keynote by Kiren Rijiju, Minister of State for Home Affairs

Narendra Karmarkar
, mathematician, author of the Karmarkar algorithm
Madan Oberoi, Director, Cyber Innovation & Outreach, Interpol Global Complex for Innovation, Singapore
Zalmay Khalilzad, President, Khalilzad Associates
Moderator: Santosh Jha, Joint Secretary, Global Cyber Issues, Ministry of External Affairs

The traditional threats to international business investments and trans-national financial market infrastructure have intensified and also moved into cyber-space. Protecting critical business infrastructure from state and non-state hackers and terrorists groups is becoming a priority. This panel will discuss how governments and businesses can collaborate to design policies against international security risks and cyber-warfare.

Related pages: Geopolitical rivalries in cyberspace | The ‘deep web’: new threat to business | U.S.-China: no more spy games?

8.15 – 8.45 pm: Evening Keynote:  India’s Global Positioning

General (retd.) V.K. Singh, Minister of State for External Affairs

A case for India’s global positioning: moving beyond being a ‘balancing’ power to being a ‘leading’ global power.



Adi Godrej
Adi Godrej
Chairman, Godrej Group

Opening Address

Harsha De Silva
Deputy Foreign Minister,
Republic of Sri Lanka

Keynote Address

S. Jaishankar
Foreign Secretary

Innovating for Asian Integration

Mohan Pai Syed Curtis Chin KN Vaidyanathana
T.V. Mohandas Pai Syed Munir Khasru Curtis Chin K.N. Vaidyanathan
Manipal Global Education
The Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance
Former U.S. Ambassador,
Asian Developmental Bank
Chief Risk Officer,
Mahindra Group

The Politics of Global Capital

U.K. Sinha
Chairman, Securities & Exchange Board of India
medorhar-rohinton Luis Miranda Jane Diplock Zheng
Rohinton P. Medhora Luis Miranda Jane Diplock Zhang Wencai
Centre for International Governance Innovation, Canada
Senior Advisor,
Morgan Stanley
Australian Finance
Vice President,
Asian Development Bank

Strategic Financing for Effective Economic Diplomacy

Hans Kundnani calabria Kapil Kapoor
Hans Kundnani Mark Calabria Kapil Kapoor
Editorial Director,
European Council on Foreign Relations
Financial Regulation Studies, Cato Institute
African Development Bank
Cam Rasquinha-David Akshay-Mathur
Serdar Çam David Rasquinha Akshay Mathur
Turkey Cooperation and Coordination Agency
Deputy Managing Director,
Director of Research,
Gateway House

Megatrade Agreements: Economic Fragmentation or Integration?

Hidetoshi Nishimura-bio Pictrue Takagi Wang wen Sachin+Chaturvedi
Hidetoshi Nishimura  Seiji Takagi Wang Wen Sachin Chaturvedi
Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
Deputy Director-General, Trade Negocation,
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan 
Executive Dean,
Chongyang Institute of Financial Studies, Renmin University, Beijing
Director General,
Research and Information Systems, New Delhi

Globalization of Talent and Movement of People

manish-sabharwal pritchett Meera_profile_pic image002
Manish Sabharwal Lant Pritchett Meera Sanyal Chris Alexander
Chairman and Co-Founder,
Professor of the Practice of International Development,
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Former CEO & chairman,
Royal Bank of Scotland, India
Former Canadian Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

Virtual Finance: Inclusive, Invisible, Impactful

anshu-jain Piyush Gupta Jane Diplock
Anshu Jain Piyush Gupta Jane Diplock
Formerly Co-CEO,
Deutsche Bank
DBS Group
Deputy Chairman,
International Integrated Reporting Council

Soft Power, Hard Influence

shobha de Vikas swarup Hugo weihe kabir khan
Shobhaa De Vikas Swarup Hugo Weihe Kabir Khan
Columnist and Author Author of Q&A,
Spokesperson for MEA
SaffronArt, Mumbai

The Geopolitics of New Energy

Dharmendra Pradhan
Minister of State, Petroleum and Natural Gas,
Neelkanth Kraemer MArtha crawford Sheshinski
Neelkanth Mishra Andreas Kraemer Martha Crawford Eytan Sheshinski 
Indian Express
Founder and Director,
Ecologic Institute, Berlin
Executive Director,
Sustainable Development Solutions
Professor Emeritus,
Hebrew University of Israel

Cybersecurity and Terrorism

Kiren Rijiju
Minister of State for Home Affairs
madan-oberoi-largeImage-2-a-1371 Santosh-Jha narendra1 Zalmay
Madan Oberoi Santosh Jha Narendra Karmarkar Zalmay Khalilzad
Director Of Cyber Innovation & Outreach Directorate,
Joint Secretary,
Global Cyber Issues,
Ministry of External Affairs
Mathematician President,
Khalilzad Associates

Closing Keynote

General (Retd.) V.K. Singh
Minister of State for External Affairs

For queries pertaining to attendance or partnership, please contact:

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