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6 November 2014, Economic Times

How Indian philanthropists are channeling their wealth to deepen democracy and governance

Luis Miranda founded IDFC Private Equity and served as the president and CEO from 2002-2010 and as chairman until 2011. This article was republished by The Economic Times

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Philanthropist Rohini Nilekani believes mainstream media is weighed down by many handicaps and, therefore, wants to co-create an entirely new media platform primarily funded by donor money. While it’s too early to reveal details of the new media entity taking shape, she says, it will be fairly meaningful in size and impact, and not some facile effort at tinkering on the sidelines.


She draws inspiration from the early experiences of a mercurial fellow philanthropist and the humungous potential a digital economy offers. Media is crying to be reinvented for a new age. Billionaire philanthropist Pierre Omidyar, founder of eBay, has recognised this and is first off the block.