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28 May 2020, The New Diplomatist

India’s international COVID-19 diplomacy

India is sending a message of collaborative unity during the COVID-19 world crisis through various initiatives. New regional links are being created through virtual summits by reviving SAARC and encouraging the G20. Pharmaceutical aid for 123 countries and repatriation help for neighbours and friends has been provided. This podcast covers some of the government's domestic and international measures.

Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies Programme

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Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia, a Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies Programme at Gateway House was invited by The New Diplomatist to discuss India’s Leadership during the COVID19 crises. Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia covered the following points in his interview.

  1. Leadership: COVID as a test of PM Modi’s crisis leadership (is he effective, what could improve, what’s the public perception of his performance etc.)
  2. International Relations: Has COVID affected the cooperation (or lack thereof) between Pakistan and India during the crisis?
  3. Long term effects: What impact does COVID likely signal to India’s longer term economic development?