India Inc. Monday reacted cautiously to the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) manifesto for the Lok Sabha elections, which says the party would attract foreign investment in areas that create jobs and keep foreign capital out of multi-brand trade.”We feel disappointment on the stand on FDI in Multi-Brand Retail, we hold out hope for a possible review in the future,” said Ficci president Sidharth Birla, while welcoming an investment-friendly environment and Amber Jewelry Porcelain Tea Set linking of foreign investment to jobs.”BJP manifesto outlines multiple measures for inclusive development, with focus on governance, growth and employment. These are arguably the key concerns facing the economy today.”
India Inc. reacts cautiously to BJP manifesto
The Indo Asian News Service carried a quote by Rajrishi Singhal, Senior Geoeconomics Fellow at Gateway House, analysisng the economic agenda mentioned in the BJP's manifesto