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28 April 2012, The Diplomat

India Needs a Joint Chiefs

The Diplomat republished Brig. (Retd.) Xerxes Adrianwalla's article on the obsolete Indian military structure. He advocates reforms for the system, such as having a Joint Chiefs of Defense Staff to co-ordinate and synergize operations and equipment.

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India is an aspiring super power, and one of the largest arms importers in the world. But this month, following the defense procurement corruption exposé by Army Chief Gen. V.K. Singh and the hullabaloo over supposed troop movements near Delhi, it seems that India isn’t ready either to effectively absorb the battle-ready equipment being imported, or even command it properly.

At the center of the debate has been a heated discussion over whether India should have a unified command system under which the chiefs of the Army, Navy and Air Force, could operate coherently and to mutual benefit. But the debate should be even louder than it is now.


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