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9 July 2024

Convening to advance digital tools for development

Digital ecosystems, their evolution and regulation was the focus of USAID’s annual conference on global digital development. For Global South actors, the conference offered suggestions on addressing climate impact, disinformation, and building resilient digital infrastructure.

edf energy Courtesy: Reuters
25 January 2024

Delhi-Paris energy engagement

India and France are both large energy importers with a shared interest in stable prices and decarbonisation. They have much to offer each other. France is a leader in nuclear power and green hydrogen, and can help India with the technology it needs. India, with its large and growing market, can help bring down the cost of these technologies and mainstream them.

ranil-wickremesinghe Courtesy: VivaLanka
11 January 2024

COP28 and Sri Lanka’s energy goals

At the COP28, Sri Lanka’s President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated the need for $12 billion in FDI for renewable energy sources by 2030 to fulfill the country’s climate commitment. For that funding to yield benefits and translate into long-term growth, Sri Lanka must now work hard to enhance its overall business environment and revisit its foreign investment strategy to focus on renewable energy and manufacturing.

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7 December 2023

Navigating terminological dilemmas on “Climate Refugees”

From COP to COP, the discussions focus on climate change and its impacts. But none have yet addressed a critical issue: the definition of a “climate refugee” or climate-related forced migration. Some contend that the issue requires a revision in the 1951 Refugee Convention. But with refugee and migrant flows to the borders of Western democracies, the term “refugee” is often re-framed as a concern about preservation of culture and values.

aizawl Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
29 June 2023

Mizoram in transition

Mizoram is one of India's most beautiful states, whose people high literacy rates in India. Yet a lack of employment opportunities and inadequate infrastructure have significantly hindered its progress. The recent investments in connectivity projects and the tourism industry can help Mizoram transition into being a model for growth in India's North East.

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14 June 2023

India’s G20 presidency at midpoint

India’s year-long G20 Presidency completed six months at a time of global economic slowdown and sharpening geopolitical contestation. While India has done well in leveraging the Presidency to articulate its vital goals, the success of the upcoming Delhi Summit will depend on achieving consensus, additionality, and implementability.

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1 June 2023

Harnessing Opportunities in the Blue Economy

On May 30, Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow for Foreign Policy Studies, Gateway House, and Chair of the FICCI Task Force on Blue Economy spoke with Carl Jaison at the Takshashila Institution on India’s national efforts to harness the Blue Economy sectors. They discussed it the draft National Policy on Blue Economy developed by the NITI Aayong, the role of the private sector, the opportunities and challenges in the key and allied sectors, and potential areas of collaboration for the G20 countries.

3D Isometric Flat Vector Conceptual Illustration of Green Investments, Alternative and Ecological Clean Power Courtesy: Dreamstime
5 April 2023

Enabling climate finance creatively

The focus on climate finance must take into account the high cost of debt, foreign exchange risk and weak public energy utilities in the developing economies. A creative and workable solution to all these issues is to establish a Global Climate Finance Agency, managed by a reputed multilateral agency with some of the capital support promised by the developed countries.

nz cow Courtesy: DW & Avalon_Studio/iStock
24 November 2022

Ban crypto, not cows

Many western governments and pressure groups are now turning to agriculture to curb carbon emissions. Given the legitimate concerns about security of food, nutrition and livelihoods, they may be looking in the wrong direction. If these groups are serious about reducing emissions, activities such as crypto-mining, with no positive net contribution, should be targeted first.

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8 November 2022

G20 and Climate Change: Hegemony of Power to global support

India's G20 Presidency in 2023 will be the time of the global stocktake on climate change negotiations under the 2015 Paris Agreement and the upcoming COP28. It's an opportunity for the G20 troika of Indonesia, India and Brazil to move the needle on the key challenge of climate financing and turn the G-20 away from hegemonistic power control to being a global support mechanism.