farc peace Courtesy: Cubasi
25 September 2016

Colombia and FARC: peace at last?

The Colombian government will sign a final and comprehensive peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces, a national guerrilla movement, on September 26. This is momentous, bringing to a close an insurgency that has inflicted widespread bloodshed and displacement. But making reparation may take an unpredictable course

hong kong election Courtesy: AFP
8 September 2016

Hong Kong’s divided political landscape

The unanticipated success of "radical" candidates in Hong Kong's Legislative Council election, including student activists central to the "umbrella revolution" of two years ago, has shaken the territory's pro-Chinese establishment and seized ground from more moderate pro-democracy voices. More fractious politics look set to continue in the immediate future.

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18 August 2016

Is another world possible?

The World Social Forum, held in Montreal last week, gave voice to innovative approaches to creating a world system based on social and economic justice, while highlighting the practical complexities of making such a vision a reality.

Protect_Your_Republic_Protest_-_1_(2007-04-14) Courtesy: Wikipedia
18 August 2016

Turkey post-coup: stronger than ever

It was the iron will of the citizens of Turkey and their uncompromising belief in the deeply rooted democratic traditions and institutions of the country which proved to be critical in defeating the July coup attempt. Turkey will continue the reforms which have made it a shining light in the region

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18 August 2016

Turkey’s fight for democracy

The July coup in Turkey did not achieve its objective of eliminating President Erdogan, who has, ironically, emerged a ‘national hero.’ Does this signal a new beginning? An analysis of the factors impending upon the colossal repair-and-rebuild task before the country.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Courtesy: http://nausena-bharti.nic.in/
11 August 2016

Maritime India’s Global Destiny

With the 21st century being heralded as the 'century of the seas', there is much need for India to reclaim its historically dominant maritime position in civilian and military endeavours.

IMG_20160811_160515-01 Courtesy: A Salute to the Sword Arm
11 August 2016

Partition 1947: the navy we didn’t see

15 August 1947 saw the division of more than a country. There were other spoils that were split: the Royal Indian Navy was one of them. This included not just a division of assets, but also of staff, whom the British Royal Navy had trained. This led to a piquant situation

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4 August 2016

Reaffirming a different globalisation

Globalization appears to be giving way to a wave of nationalist protectionism. At this juncture, it is vital to focus on alternative visions of globalization anchored in concern for the environment, human rights, and economic democracy. The World Social Forum in Montreal from 9-14 August will gather more than 5000 people from across the world and serve as a window to the diverse endeavours in favour of a pro-local globalization based on trans-national solidarity.