Soldiers in a Niger army unit stand in formation while a dignitary visits their outpost during Operation Desert Shield.  The men are armed with M-14 rifles. Courtesy:
20 January 2016

A new fault line in Nigeria

A recent confrontation between the Nigerian army and the Islamic Movement of Nigeria has rekindled the state’s tensions with its Shia citizenry. However, Nigeria should pay heed to its own contemporary history of the armed crackdown on an obscure religion sect that led to the birth of Boko Haram, and exercise caution while dealing with minority groups.

Trafficjamdelhi Courtesy: Wikipedia
5 January 2016

Beyond Odd-Even: a plan for Delhi

The odd-even formula has the advantage of having involved leaders as well as common citizens. The Government must now improve air quality by urgent measures across a wide front in Delhi, and then in the entire NCR.

CSR1 (1) Courtesy: Wikipedia
5 January 2016

Linking CSR with business practices

CSR in India has been detached from business practices. A more effective approach to CSR would entail efforts to integrate sustainable business with societal giving, rather than simply requiring companies to donate money and outsource all of its CSR efforts.

Shahbag_Projonmo_Square_Uprising_Demanding_Death_Penalty_of_the_War_Criminals_of_1971_in_Bangladesh_23 Courtesy: Mehdi Hasan Khan/ Wikipedia
24 December 2015

War crimes: Bangladesh shows the way

At a time when Islamic fundamentalism is threatening the world, Bangladesh as a moderate muslim democracy occupies a unique position in actively confronting this threat under Sheikh Hasina. Instead of the unjustified criticism levied against its war trials, the West must actively support its fight against terror.

CSR: have increasing costs dampened efforts?
26 November 2015

CSR: have increasing costs dampened efforts?

The 2013 Companies Act has brought a mixed bag of results: it has structured and regulated CSR in India, but also increased the hurdles businesses must clear, as well as the social and monetary costs for companies.

Remise_du_Prix_Sakharov_à_Aung_San_Suu_Kyi_Strasbourg_22_octobre_2013-04 Courtesy: Claude TRUONG-NGOC
13 November 2015

Myanmar after elections: what next?

The elections in Myanmar finally come to a close with Suu Kyi-led NLD’s landslide victory. The military establishment has accepted defeat. Suu Kyi, who can't be the president, has made it clear that she would be 'above the president'. How should India read Myanmar now and act to safeguard its interests?

Linking businesses and NGOs for CSR
12 November 2015

Linking businesses and NGOs for CSR

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs’ notice last year directing companies to partner with NGOs for their CSR efforts requires companies to choose partners carefully, while NGOs must focus on monitoring and other requirements—so both sides are trying to address gaps and work with each other’s strengths

India Myanmar Courtesy: MEA / Flickr
3 November 2015

Myanmar votes: why it matters

Myanmar is making a transition towards democracy with an election on 8 November, 2015. The elections are expected to be free, if not completely fair. Countries, including China and India are watching the elections keenly with a hope that they will provide for a stable and strong government.