IMG_9941 Courtesy: The Economist
6 December 2016

Geoeconomic dilemma in realigning Asia

India may be less dependent on the Chinese market than some other countries in the region, but it too wants Chinese investment—and this ambivalence has been evident in India’s varying approach to the AIIB and OBOR. To balance this dilemma in an increasingly complex Asia, India must work with others, in particular with European countries

GH_Demonetisation_Web-724x1024 Courtesy: Gateway House
24 November 2016

Demonetisation around the world

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's announcement on November 8 to demonetise notes of the denomination of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 has a precedent. This infographic traces some interesting demonetisation initiatives around the world. From discontinuation of high denomination notes due to lack of circulation, to the use of beer and water as 'real assets' in place of hyper-inflated currency.

GST pic1 Courtesy: Reuters
11 August 2016

Key GST lessons from the world

The long march to implement the long-awaited Good and Services Tax in India has just begun. It is instructive to understand how other countries introduced this tax and cherry-pick lessons from their experiences

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4 August 2016

GST: adding edge to exports

The GST will not only advance domestic market efficiencies but also add teeth to India’s economic diplomacy by improving the ease of doing business and enhancing competitiveness for exports.

Degrowth Website Research paper cover Courtesy: Gateway House
4 July 2016

Degrowth: Consume less. Share more.

Society is currently floating on the expectation that the world is entering a period of sustained economic growth. However, there is mounting evidence that the existing models of economic growth cannot continue.

Union_Jack_and_the_european_flag Courtesy: Wikipedia
19 June 2016

What does Brexit mean for India?

On June 23, the United Kingdom will vote on whether they wish to remain a part of the European Union through the Brexit vote. The debate surrounding the vote has spurred many a heated and emotional debate. While the Indian government has not declared anything publicly - remaining in the EU would be beneficial to Indian businesses.

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26 May 2016

International credibility in a domestic crisis

At present, South Africa finds itself charting political and economic policy uncertainties. This is not to suggest that the domestic political crisis will see different trajectories unfolding with regard to its BRICS/IBSA engagements, or on a broader foreign policy path, but it will have repercussions at the international level, in terms of investor confidence, credit ratings, and currency volatility. Pretoria will face constant pressure to be seen as a credible actor, especially when it comes to its African identity.