myanmar military 1 Courtesy: Reuters
2 February 2023

The quest for hope in Myanmar

February 1, 2023 marks the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar. The country is now in a dire situation with a deteriorating economy, rising poverty and high unemployment. ASEAN, the UN and India continue to work with the Myanmarese military leadership, which is the only player able to provide solutions to alleviate the distress.

Pashtuns Devasher Courtesy: HarperCollins Publishers India
10 January 2023

Tangled history: the Pashtun

Tilak Devasher's book The Pashtuns: A Contested History delves into the Pashtun tribe, highlighting its geopolitical significance and far-reaching consequences in the South Asian region. Reviewer Tim Willasey-Wilsey says the book brilliantly explains how the Pashtuns were strong-armed into joining Pakistan and why the prospect of Pashtun unity poses a threat to security in Pakistan and the entire region.

india FP Courtesy: Reuters
5 January 2023

2023, the year of diplomacy extraordinaire?

2023 brings responsibility and opportunity for India. As the host of the G20 and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the world will be watching closely. With this authority, comes challenges encapsulated by five C’s: Covid, Contraction, Climate crisis, Conflict and China. If India is able to use its opportunity, the year could end with India viewed as a near-great power, an international bridge-builder, and a successful democracy.

nz cow Courtesy: DW & Avalon_Studio/iStock
24 November 2022

Ban crypto, not cows

Many western governments and pressure groups are now turning to agriculture to curb carbon emissions. Given the legitimate concerns about security of food, nutrition and livelihoods, they may be looking in the wrong direction. If these groups are serious about reducing emissions, activities such as crypto-mining, with no positive net contribution, should be targeted first.

ASEAN-PIC Courtesy: Khem Sovannara/AFP/Getty Images
17 November 2022

ASEAN: Congruity with contradiction

Cambodia’s chairmanship of ASEAN exposed the grouping’s inherent incongruities and cleavages, despite its best intentions. To be taken seriously by its partners, ASEAN needs to first take itself seriously and adhere to the core of its charter.

Indian Flags G20 Courtesy: Shutterstock
17 November 2022

Dialogue and diplomacy for peace

Despite the current tense global atmosphere, India and its foreign policy have remained true to its core of peace and security for all and equity and justice for the developing world. Throughout history, dialogue and diplomacy has been supported as a solution to dispute. Now, as G20 President, New Delhi can sow these seeds of peace in an increasingly multipolar world.

EuropeProtests-01[85] copy Courtesy: Gateway House
17 November 2022

Protests across Europe

Discontent over high energy prices, spiralling living costs, and anti war sentiments have gripped Europe, resulting in protests and civil unrest across the continent. With no immediate solution in sight, public resentment is likely to intensify through the coming winter months

Stalemate in Myanmar Courtesy: Ye Aung Thu/AFP
10 November 2022

The continuing stalemate in Myanmar

Nearly two years after the military coup in Myanmar, tensions remain, with no domestic or international solution in sight. Despite these setbacks, the Myanmarese people's commitment to democracy has not faltered. As they did a decade ago, the Myanmar elite and leadership of both camps must once again use resilience and pragmatism to craft a way out of the current crisis.