534795_0_68_720_473_1920x0_80_0_0_27a8f74ace78cb73d7b0ab2075f99b85 Courtesy: Sputnik India
30 May 2024

Trouble in Pakistan’s periphery

Pakistan’s peripheral regions have long been treated as colonies to benefit the Punjabi core. This neglect is facing a vigorous pushback, in the form of peaceful protests and violent resistance. The economic crisis has exacerbated tensions in Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan, which remain poor despite abundant natural resources.

India_IEA Courtesy: GEP
11 March 2024

Unfolding Geopolitics | Episode 8, India joining the IEA

As India begins membership talks with the International Energy Agency, Senior Fellow for Energy, Investment, and Connectivity at Gateway House, Amit Bhandari joins us to talk about how we got here, what’s in it for both parties, and how the agency will adapt to the increasing strategic autonomy of India and countries like it.

c-vladivostok Courtesy: Sputnik India
8 February 2024

Reviving the Chennai-Vladivostok Corridor

Tensions in West Asia have disrupted global shipping and revived interest in the Chennai-Vladivostok Eastern Maritime Corridor. Better freight and passenger connectivity between Southern India and Russia’s Far East will open new areas for bilateral cooperation such as the export of machinery, auto parts and engineering goods from India, and progressively integrate the economies of the two countries.

edf energy Courtesy: Reuters
25 January 2024

Delhi-Paris energy engagement

India and France are both large energy importers with a shared interest in stable prices and decarbonisation. They have much to offer each other. France is a leader in nuclear power and green hydrogen, and can help India with the technology it needs. India, with its large and growing market, can help bring down the cost of these technologies and mainstream them.

guyana Courtesy: Revolutionary Communist Group
14 December 2023

Unfolding Geopolitics | Episode 2, Essequibo dispute: colonial shadows and resource riches

Venezuela's claim to the Essequibo region of neighbouring Guyana has focused world attention on yet another colonial-era border dispute. With elections coming up, the declining Venezuelan economy laying claim to newly-discovered rich oil and mineral deposits in Guyana has some traction. For Guyana, the claim to its land is non-negotiable as this developing country looks forward to accessing its own wealth. Purvi Patel, Visiting Fellow at Gateway House and Latin America expert, offers her insight.

Colombo-port Courtesy: The Wire
3 August 2023

India-Sri Lanka: Connecting grids

India and Sri Lanka recently signed six energy agreements, including plans for an oil pipeline from India to Sri Lanka, electricity grid connectivity, and cooperation in renewable energy. Sri Lanka can benefit from India's cost-effective oil sourcing and processing and pay for it in rupees, easing its balance of payments crisis. Its wider use of the Rupee fulfills a long term objective for Indian policymakers.

tim cook website Courtesy: Nikkei Asia
26 July 2023

India: a rising supply chains hub

China-centric global supply chains are being disrupted by rising geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China and multiple global shocks, forcing multinational companies to rethink are global sourcing strategies. India can leverage this moment to become a complementary manufacturing hub in Asia by reaping gains from technology transfers and creating value-adding jobs.

ASEAN Website Courtesy: Kuwait Times
25 July 2023

ASEAN on a trodden path

The 56th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting in Jakarta reflected the grouping’s resilience amidst transformative geopolitical changes in the Indo-Pacific. Striving for unity and centrality, ASEAN tackled challenges posed by COVID-19, economic slowdown, climate change, and U.S.-China competition. However, internal differences on sensitive issues like Myanmar have tested its credibility.