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9 July 2024

Indian Diplomacy: Diversifying Global Supply Chains

China-centric global supply chains, the backbone of East Asia’s prosperity, are shifting out as tensions over tariffs and strategic contest between the West and China soars. Ganeshan Wignaraja, Professorial Fellow, Economics and Trade, Gateway House, discusses diversifying supply chains, the China plus one strategy, and the role of India as a supply chain magnet for its South Asian neighbours.

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20 June 2024

A new Mexico for a new Middle East

On June 3, Claudia Sheinbaum made history by becoming the first woman elected President of Mexico. In terms of foreign policy and carving a geopolitical identity, this marks the beginning of a new stage of Mexican integration into the global agenda. It provides another dimension for international stability, including a revitalized Mexican perspective of the Middle East.

Tourists visit Gangaramaya Buddhist temple in Colombo, Sri Lanka April 25,2024. REUTERS/Dinuka Liyanawatte Courtesy:
6 June 2024

Sri Lanka confronts illegal tourist ventures

Asian nations like Sri Lanka have seen a rush of Russian and Ukrainian tourists over the last two years. They discover salubrious climes and overstay their visas to start small businesses. It has helped Sri Lanka boost tourism after its 2022 debt default but also created economic problems for locals. It is necessary to identify trade-offs between economic benefits and security threats associated with extended-stay tourism.

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23 May 2024

Xi’s diplomatic push in Europe

Chinese President Xi Jinping's three-nation tour to France, Serbia and Hungary in early May highlighted China's aim to bolster ties and navigate shifting global power dynamics. The trip's implications are significant for all major powers, including India, which must inject more creativity and energy in building up its strategic partnerships with G7 nations after the elections.

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16 May 2024


The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation turns 75 this year. It has exceeded its original mandate of a collective defence for Europe and is expanding rapidly. From restraining the rise of Russia, it is now seeking non-NATO allies in Asia who wish to restrain China. This requires a nimbler, more dynamic alliance. Can NATO respond to the transformation?

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28 March 2024

All eyes on the Indian Ocean region

During his visit to New Delhi this week, Australia's navy chief highlighted the need for greater maritime cooperation on security issues in the Indo-Pacific. While India is aware of its growing role in maintaining a free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific, it must also convey to its partners that on matters of security, it prioritises dangers closer to home in its Indian Ocean neighbourhood.

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21 March 2024

The perfect recipe?

Brazil has the right strategy to survive in a world full of crises: Unite with many to deliver for all. With the ongoing presidency of the G20 and leadership of the BRICS and COP30 on the way next year, Brazil is in a unique position to play a constructive role both regionally and on the world stage.

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21 March 2024

Still not weatherproof

Germany is India's largest trade and economic partner in the EU, but the relationship with France is a class apart, given its strength in military aviation and willingness to be a differentiated member of the West. Must this remain so? If Germany and the EU would be more understanding of India’s democracy and its role in upholding a rules-based order, their relations would be greatly improved.

No Winner in Pakistan Election Courtesy: Gateway House
8 February 2024

No winners in Pakistani elections

As Pakistan heads to the polls, debt restructuring and economic recovery are on the ballot. The winner of the contest will inherit a weak economy while wielding little authority to implement reform, and will eventually shoulder the blame for the inevitable crisis.

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23 November 2023

How will 2023 BRI Reset Impact Africa?

President Xi’s speech at the 3rd BRI Forum for International Cooperation in October 2023 has grabbed the headlines in suggesting a vision for a reset BRI, ten years on. Is it a case of ‘old wine in new bottles’ or something radically different? And what does it mean for African development, the poorest continent on the planet?