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11 October 2018

Petro-Yuan, the new speculation

Basing the global oil trade on the Yuan instead of the U.S. Dollar is one leg of China’s bid to convert its currency into the international reserve currency, replacing the dollar-dominated global financial architecture. But many factors impede the Yuan from reaching the maturity required for its global adoption.

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20 September 2018

Reversing a falling rupee

Economist Surjit S. Bhalla, who sits on the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council, says all currencies, not just the rupee, have fallen against the U.S. dollar. Speaking to Gateway House’s Manjeet Kripalani, he elaborates on some diplomatic and domestic tools to stem the fall, even in an election year

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14 September 2018

Brunei, ASEAN’s quiet, cautious player

India and Brunei have a 34-year-old diplomatic relationship; but as yet no Indian president or prime minister has paid the country a bilateral visit to strengthen these ties. The strategically-located nation is rich in its history, with a unique political system. Its foreign policy approach is non-controversial, yet noticeably pragmatic.

Policy Perspectives
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4 September 2018

U.S. sanctions on Russia and its impact on India

America is increasingly using sanctions as a geopolitical tool against its rivals, Russia, Iran and Venezuela. These countries are important partners for India, which needs to find ways around unilateral American sanctions.

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15 August 2018

India in the Global Commons

Since Independence, India has been consumed by its domestic priorities. Now, with increasing integration with the world and a huge stake in global stability, it is time to focus on the global commons. India has a seat on the hightable to design and shape the rules for the governance of the global commons. In this special Independence Day Briefing, Gateway House examines India’s engagement with four global commons – technology, outer space, cyber and the oceans – and makes recommendations on how best they can be governed for our collective future.

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5 July 2018

China’s disquieting FDI in high-tech

China’s foreign direct investment is shifting away from natural resources to high-tech areas, such as Artificial Intelligence and robotics. The scale of these acquisitions, along with questions about intellectual property and national security, are causing widespread concern in the West

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2 July 2018

A global framework for tracing Beneficial Ownership

In a policy brief for Argentina's G20 Presidency in 2018, K.N. Vaidyanathan, Akshay Mathur and Purvaja Modak discuss the challenge and propose policy recommendations for transparency in cross-border financial transactions

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13 May 2018

Trump hits Iran and India reels

Amit Bhandari, Fellow, Energy and Environment Studies, Gateway House, and Kunal Kulkarni, Senior Researcher, Gateway House, write an op-ed for The Asian Age on the possible implications of U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent announcement to withdraw from the JCPOA, more colloquially Read more