pm kazakh visit_210x140 t Courtesy: PMO
28 April 2011

India-Kazakhstan: Beyond energy II

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh met with Kazakh President Nazarbayev to strengthen ties and announced a Joint Action plan for 2011-14. Should the countries enhance their “arms-length transactional” relationship, a deeper alliance can be forged to include untapped sectors with immense potential

bob dowling financial crisis_210x140 Courtesy: Katrina.Tuliao/Flickr
21 April 2011

How powerful are the world’s bankers?

The 2008 financial collapse has economists pondering over the stability of global economies and the ability of those with financial power to maintain their wealth. If such a situation recurs, who will be held accountable?

india kazakh Courtesy:
14 April 2011

India-Kazakhstan: Beyond energy

The India-Kazakhstan relationship is in need of a massive overhaul. Manmohan Singh’s visit to Astana is full of possibilities that can transform the relationship from a short-sighted association into a broad-based, strategic, long-term one focusing on energy, security, trade and technology.

Chuck Kennedy wh_210x140 Courtesy: ChuckKennedy/WhiteHouse
18 January 2011

Hu Jintao in Washington

Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to the US comes at a time when the geopolitical situation in Asia and the Asia-Pacific region is fluid - consequent to the US deciding to re-energise relations with countries in the region - and when Sino-US relations have been under some strain.