Modi_mug shot_1 Courtesy:
6 February 2015

Budget 2015: accelerating tranformation

Looking at India through the lens of business transformation, Prime Minister Modi has taken a bold step to change the country's behavioural DNA, but the country also requires bold policy decisions and visionary reforms in the upcoming budget. Only then can there be real change and transformation in the Indian economy

WEBANK-151623_copy1 Courtesy: Wanted China
4 February 2015

China’s ebanks: a new regime

WeBank, China’s first online-only bank has been launched with great expectations. It can potentially reform the country’s mismanaged financial sector by opening up credit to private SMEs and prove a model for other developing countries.

Policy Perspectives
India-Africa Courtesy: MEA/Government of India
9 January 2015

Indian banks in Africa: change agents

India’s engagement with Africa currently is trapped in a discourse from another era. With a change in governance structures and demographics, African countries are keen to elevate the level of trade and investment ties. India is in an advantageous position due to historical linkages but China and the U.S. are already ahead in the game

Xi_Modi Courtesy: Narendra Modi (
27 November 2014

China’s connectivity tips for India

A major theme at the multilateral summits this month was connectivity, with China at the forefront. India is trailing behind due to a shortfall in investment and political will, among other factors. Prime Minister Modi must follow up on his meetings at the SAARC Summit by robustly taking forward India’s connectivity agenda

india china Courtesy: Wikipedia
23 September 2014

India-China: evolving geoeconomics

The trade deficit and border issues have usually overshadowed the public discourse between India and China. However, below this surface, bilateral business and financial engagement is growing. India will have to engage judiciously with China to ensure that the resulting geoeconomic benefits remain in our favour

Arab Republics Courtesy:
14 August 2014

Federalism for the Arab Republics?

Many Arab Republics are mired in political discord after the departure of the old tyrannical regimes opened up spaces for new struggles. In Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan, attempts to address the turmoil through constitutional reform are facing challenges. Will a democratic federalism be attained when the battles are done?

GST_Indian_rupee Courtesy: Associated Press
14 August 2014

How far away is fiscal federalism?

The debates and delays over the Goods and Services Tax exemplify how fiscal federalism is evolving through threats to its original design and rearguard action by states. Rebalancing the centre-state relationship is not easy, but an enlightened fiscal federalism is indispensable to keeping the republic together