Argentina Courtesy: Pixabay
10 August 2017

Argentina: in the ascendant

Once a laggard, Argentina is now a rising star in South America. Its economy is recovering, GDP growth is stable and financial reforms have taken hold. In 2018, it will host the presidency of the G20, its first step onto the global stage after over a decade in isolation. With Argentina’s G20 agenda fully aligned with India’s priorities, how can India gain?

18 May 2017

Pakistan: riding high

The Indian government must be commended for staying away from the Belt & Road Forum in Beijing this week on the basis of principled objections. However, the forum has robust global participation – 30 heads of state attended the meeting, as did the chiefs of the UN, World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). India was the only country in the world that was invited, but refused to participate

haaretz Courtesy: Haaretz
5 May 2017

Family power politics in Riyadh

Dynasty has its own reasons and the 40 decrees that King Salman issued last month were designed to hand more power to the Salman branch of the House of Saud. Is a promotion in the offing for his son, the deputy crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman? What does this bode for the country’s foreign policy? President Trump’s first foreign visit will be to Saudi Arabia later this month

Ghizer_Gilgit-baltistan Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
12 April 2017

Gilgit-Baltistan: Pakistan’s changed calculations

A Pakistani committee has recommended to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that Gilgit-Baltistan should be declared the country’s fifth province. For 70 years Pakistan has avoided integrating its occupied parts of Kashmir for fear of damaging its legal position. That calculation may now have changed

European_flags_at_European_Commission_HQ_Brussels_thumb800 Courtesy: Computer World UK
23 March 2017

EU: unity not a value anymore?

Britain will begin its formal exit process from the European Union on March 29. Signs that the European Union will survive are clear: public opinion is turning finally in its favour. The European economy has resumed creating jobs, and the unemployment rate, although still high, is steadily declining. Yet, what remains of the project is likely to have a different animus