VizagPort Courtesy: Wikimapia
6 September 2017

Innovation’s role in the Blue Economy

The new global emphasis on the Blue Economy is attracting the interest of governments, development agencies, and more recently, social impact investors. A marked change from previous years is the increased participation of developing and coastal economies, which are its very beneficiaries

President Trump addresses nation on South Asia strategy Courtesy:
31 August 2017

Trump’s Af policy: too late for impact?

In yet another policy flip, U.S. President Trump announced a new strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia. While committing more troops to the region, he called out Pakistan as a 'safe harbour' for terrorism and called on India to do more. Ambassador Neelam Deo, Director at Gateway House, joins us to discuss the implications of this new direction and what it means for India.

A Biluchi Soldier and Hindu Trader of Sindh Courtesy:
24 August 2017

The making of Bombay’s mini Sindh

Many of the Hindu Sindhi refugees who fled to India post Partition succeeded in rebuilding their lives afresh, their native entrepreneurial spirit enabling them to rise up from the destitution that displacement caused. Ulhasnagar, Thane district, which was a refugee camp 70 years ago, is a microcosm of how the community rehabilitated itself--with the help of a well dispersed and generous Sindhi trading network

old photos bombay Courtesy: Live Mint
15 August 2017

Bombay, Karachi, linked by sea and refuge

The 70th Independence Day for India and Pakistan – August 15 and 14 respectively – is a reminder of how Partition displaced 15 million people, causing untold hardship. What is less known is that the cities of Karachi and Bombay have had a shared colonial history and economy: the parting of ways left one bereft of a host of spirited citizens, who went on to rebuild their lives in the other

Pintrest Courtesy: Pinterest
14 August 2017

The demographics of modern India

Modern India stands tall on August 15, 2017: over the past year, it has been seen as the fastest growing major country, macroeconomic stability has been re-established, and the GST implemented. Why, then, are so many stressing that India desperately needs reforms to its labour laws to keep the momentum going?

Argentina Courtesy: Pixabay
10 August 2017

Argentina: in the ascendant

Once a laggard, Argentina is now a rising star in South America. Its economy is recovering, GDP growth is stable and financial reforms have taken hold. In 2018, it will host the presidency of the G20, its first step onto the global stage after over a decade in isolation. With Argentina’s G20 agenda fully aligned with India’s priorities, how can India gain?

18 May 2017

Pakistan: riding high

The Indian government must be commended for staying away from the Belt & Road Forum in Beijing this week on the basis of principled objections. However, the forum has robust global participation – 30 heads of state attended the meeting, as did the chiefs of the UN, World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). India was the only country in the world that was invited, but refused to participate