UN Courtesy: wikimediacommons
31 October 2014

Should India give up on the UNSC?

Despite staking a claim to permanent UN Security Council membership 60 years ago, India is no closer to that goal. While conflict zones remain in Africa and Asia, economic might has shifted eastwards. The West-dominated UNSC is becoming irrelevant. If India becomes a permanent member, can it influence the council’s ethos?

Yal Railway Line Courtesy: flickr.com/presidentrajapaksa
17 October 2014

India’s imperatives in Sri Lanka

India has tried to address the concerns of Sri Lankan Tamils through projects such as the recently-inaugurated railway between Jaffna and Colombo. But their aspirations for autonomy in the North and East remain unfulfilled, and New Delhi faces a dilemma—pushing Colombo on political issues can drive it closer to Beijing

Policy Perspectives
WTO Courtesy: wikimedia
15 October 2014

India’s curious stand at WTO

India’s decision to block the Trade Facilitation Agreement at the World Trade Organisation in July was perplexing; the confusion was compounded because India was almost alone in its position. This policy perspective explains the reasons for India’s curious stand

Modi obama Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs
30 September 2014

India-U.S. must move past deal-led ties

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the U.S. is unlikely to reset bilateral relations. The relationship remains determined by bickering over trade and investment deals, such as the impasse at the WTO and the disputes over IPR. To become real strategic partners, both countries must move beyond these transactional exchanges

madison Courtesy: daverugby83
21 September 2014

Indian Americans and the mother country

The sold-out rally at Madison Square Garden shows that PM Narendra Modi’s trip to the U.S. has generated incredible excitement among the Indian-origin diaspora. Will the educated and well-placed Indian American community be able to come together as a power group that influences the U.S. Congress and the White House to adopt pro-India policies?

India China border guards Courtesy:
20 September 2014

Xi, Modi synergy may boost ties

A lot was achieved in the economic arena during Chinese President Xi’s visit with China promising to invest $20 billion in India over the next five years. There is a possibility that the visit could be a game changer in the bilateral, but going by precedence India must pursue a policy of cautious optimism

IS Courtesy: U.S. Staff Sergeant Aaron Allmon
16 September 2014

Modi, Obama and the Islamic State

Obama’s strategy to target the IS in Syria within the framework of a U.S.-led international coalition has met with a tepid response. There are reports that the U.S may offer India a non-NATO ally status during Modi’s upcoming visit in a bid to seek greater support – a gesture that India will do well to disregard.

china-india-flags Courtesy: myinfoline.com
4 September 2014

Preparing for the Chinese-Indian century

Contrary to conventional wisdom, the positives outweigh the negatives in the India-China relationship. Both countries share a common opportunity to grow their economies exponentially and much will depend on the tone set by Prime Minister Modi and President Xi when they meet in Delhi in September