Wall Street Journal Courtesy:
19 July 2018

Iran, Russia Sanctions Vex U.S.-India Relations

The postponing of high level ‘2+2′ talks are setbacks, but they could be temporary, said our security expert Sameer Patil in an interview with The Wall Street Journal’s South Asia Bureau Chief, Bill Spindle. Read the full article here.

BRICS Courtesy: Kremlin website
19 July 2018

Restating the case for BRICS

The annual diplomatic exercise next week takes place amid a complex global political scenario. The western alliance is deeply divided, Brexit is near and equations among the great powers are in a constant state of flux. BRICS may now do well to focus more on internal cooperation than global change

maldives independent Courtesy:
14 July 2018

China defends ‘completely normal’ Maldives investments

Maldives Independent mentioned our research on Chinese investments and how aid to the Maldives have surged since 2012. Our research says the three largest Chinese projects are together worth $1.5 billion and that there will be repayment problems. Read the full article here.

IMG_6681 - Copy Courtesy: Gateway House
12 July 2018

China’s focus on stability

Yuan Peng, Vice President, and Dr. HU Shisheng, director, respectively of the Institute of South & Southeast Asian and Oceanian Studies, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, Beijing, spoke to Gateway House about working towards ‘the final goal of denuclearisation’, India-China relations since the Doklam stand-off and addressing security concerns raised by the Belt and Road Initiative