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14 September 2018

Brunei, ASEAN’s quiet, cautious player

India and Brunei have a 34-year-old diplomatic relationship; but as yet no Indian president or prime minister has paid the country a bilateral visit to strengthen these ties. The strategically-located nation is rich in its history, with a unique political system. Its foreign policy approach is non-controversial, yet noticeably pragmatic.

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4 September 2018

A security architecture for the Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean has served as a keystone of global politics, economics and culture for centuries. In modern times, after World War II, it emerged as a focal point for great power competition and subsequently, of global commerce as the pivot of economic growth shifted from Europe to the Asia Pacific, a feature which has since remained constant.

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4 September 2018

Green shoots of revival: on BIMSTEC summit

The fourth summit of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) has many implications for the countries involved. The agreements signed at the summit can only be implemented through a concerted effort by all parties.

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23 August 2018

Boosting BIMSTEC’s visibility

The 21-year-old regional organisation, which will hold its fourth summit on August 30-31, was formed because of the opportunities to make headway in economic and social development through cooperation, but it has achieved modest success. It has a relevance independent of SAARC or ASEAN and goals of its own to pursue

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22 August 2018

Chairs remarks for Inaugural Session at the Shillong Dialogue Roundtable

These remarks were given by Rajiv Bhatia, Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, Gateway House as the chair of the Shillong Dialogue Roundtable on India and Sub-Himalayan Eastern Neighbours: Shared Borders, Shared Opportunities – Transforming Geo-Spaces to Celebrating Ideas, Skills, and People on August 16-17, 2018.

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15 August 2018

India in the Global Commons

Since Independence, India has been consumed by its domestic priorities. Now, with increasing integration with the world and a huge stake in global stability, it is time to focus on the global commons. India has a seat on the hightable to design and shape the rules for the governance of the global commons. In this special Independence Day Briefing, Gateway House examines India’s engagement with four global commons – technology, outer space, cyber and the oceans – and makes recommendations on how best they can be governed for our collective future.