Salmaan Taseer Flickr_210x140 Courtesy: SalmaanTaseer/Flickr
12 January 2011

Pakistan: At the edge of the abyss

The murder of Salman Taseer , the liberal-minded Governor of Pakistani Punjab, augurs grimly for the country. With the government mired in political turmoil, intelligentsia silenced and religious extremists integrating with the security forces, Pakistan is a state teetering on the brink of collapse.

Hdptcar Flickr 2_210x140 Courtesy: Hdptcar /Flickr
5 January 2011

Ivory Coast: a call for non-interference

Ivory Coast is yet another African nation in the throes of political transition and continued interference by the global agencies. At stake is a thriving economy and a fragile tribal balance, which threatens to turn into a religious issue. Neelam Deo reviews the options before the country and the global community.

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14 December 2010

India-China: Prioritizing economics

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to New Delhi has the potential to mitigate sixty years worth of distrust between two of the world’s most populous countries and truly improve bilateral relations. What is stopping the two Asian giants from cooperating?

Hoshie Wiki_210x140_3 Courtesy: Hoshie/WikimediaCommons
10 December 2010

Moralist power or global contestant?

C. Raja Mohan spoke to Gateway House’s Shloka Nath about the new threats in the Indian Ocean where geopolitical players like China have already arrived, India’s lack of assertion over its natural waters and the necessity for corporate India to develop a strategic view of India’s global interests.

English Pen Flickr Courtesy: James Stencilowsky/ Flickr
12 November 2010

Myanmar elections: A Violation of Human Rights?

Myanmar is a complex issue. Its history, its treatment by neighbours and the West, the complex dilemmas posed by the mixing of morality and realpolitik is a reminder that democracy is only a means to an end. The lives of the ordinary people should matter more than formal institutions in shaping policy decisions.

800px-Exterior-_Gateway_View Courtesy: MogensEngelund/WikiCommons
9 November 2010

Mumbai’s New Strategic Importance

By coming to Mumbai first, President Obama has ushered in a new phase in bilateral relations. Mumbai and all it represents is now firmly a part of Indian foreign policy. This is a game changer for the future, and is arguably the most significant outcome of the Barack Obama visit.