BF_Final Courtesy: Uday Deb/Times of India
12 July 2020

Chinese 5G: Kiss of death

After the strategic digital pushback against Chinese investments and apps, India should turn its attention to the biggest Chinese domination tool – 5G. This is the mother lode that enables the efficient gathering of data, which when mined, results in product enhancement and pricing benefits to products listed in China 2025 and helps China set global standards. There is an urgency for alternate suppliers of 5G equipment and other technologies to avoid relying on China.

India-Canada Track 1.5_Fostering Growth in Digital Trade Courtesy: Gateway House & CIGI
30 June 2020

Fostering Growth in Digital Trade

The shifting trends in trade, especially given the growth in communications capacity and reduced cost of computing have altered traditional economic development. India and Canada have a shared commercial interest in E-trade. Both countries need to align their resources to frame trade rules of the new digital economy, to mutual benefit.

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23 April 2020

The issue of Cybersecurity during COVID19

The shift towards ‘work from home’ arrangements during the coronavirus enforced lockdown, has seen a sharp rise in the number and types of cyberattacks. With attacks exploiting new vulnerabilities, a highly secure, online infrastructure is imperative for businesses to function properly. Are India’s software companies ready with solutions?

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9 April 2020

Cybersecurity and privacy in the COVID-19 era

COVID-19 and remote working have resulted in a surge in demand for digital intermediaries, such as Zoom. Most of these are U.S.-based, with some having servers in China, which has aggravated privacy concerns. IT companies have responded quickly by fortifying themselves internally through a range of measures, but it is now time for India’s highly accomplished tech industry to devise secure, scalable platforms with India-based servers

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30 January 2020

Case for a Universal Declaration of Digital Rights

It is time to formulate a Universal Declaration of Digital Rights that upholds the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. Life, liberty and security in the digital realm need the same protection today. Human beings’ rights to digital self-determination, including control of personal data, are also sacrosanct

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16 January 2020

NEST-ling new tech in foreign policy

The recently announced New and Emerging Strategic Technologies (NEST) Division of India’s Ministry of External Affairs is timely. It can become vital for India’s national technosecurity in the imminent Fourth Industrial Age if a new Cabinet Committee on Futuristic Science and Technologies is established along with it

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5 December 2019

Readiness for cyber warfare

India and Canada can collaborate in the realm of cybersecurity by devising a common set of rules for governing cyber space. Aaron Shull, Managing Director and General Counsel, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), spoke to Gateway House on the sidelines of the India-Canada Track 1.5 Dialogue