scada Courtesy: Green_Mamba/Flickr
17 June 2014

India’s vulnerable SCADA systems

Critical infrastructure in India, including oil pipelines, dams and steel plants, is susceptible to cyber attacks because of outdated Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems, which manage their operations. A cyber attack on these systems can be devastating. It is imperative for India to take counter-measures

GlobSec_2 Courtesy: Gateway House
13 June 2014

Bratislava reflections

GLOBSEC, the Bratislava Global Security forum is central and eastern Europe’s premier security forum. While this year’s edition focused on the crisis in Ukraine, a lack of balanced – or even representative – discourse painted a very bleak picture of Russia and its president

Cyber_Games Courtesy: Conew/Wikimedia Commons
13 June 2014

Policy Catalyst: India’s Privacy Law

Edward Snowden’s revelations about the U.S.’s PRISM surveillance raised many issues related to espionage, electronic surveillance and privacy. It brought home the lack of strong privacy laws in India. As the country sets up its own domestic surveillance system, it must also quickly enact statutory privacy legislation

ukraine-odessa-fire_210x140 Courtesy: Sergey Gumenyuk/EPA
8 May 2014

Six takes on the Ukraine crisis

It is seven months since the first round of protests began in Ukraine, and the crisis has only escalated further. Russia has rejected calls for another round of talks and parts of eastern Ukraine are seeing violence on a daily basis as pro-government loyalists try and take back cities controlled by the pro-Russians

Spratly Islands_google map Courtesy: Google Maps
2 May 2014

South China Sea: escalating tensions

Braving potential retaliation from China, the Philippines has now challenged Beijing’s sovereign claims over the South China Sea before a UN tribunal, and raised the stakes in a longstanding dispute

RIMPAC Courtesy: Seaman James R. Evans/Wikimedia Commons
14 April 2014

Australia’s submarine choice

Australia is the second largest naval power among the Indian Ocean states and its submarine fleet represents its principal strategic force. Australia will be replacing its fleet with some of the largest and most capable conventional submarines in the world. Its decisions could hold important lessons for India