Courtesy: Gigi Ibrahim/WikimediaCommons
27 November 2012

Israel-Hamas: Only an intermission

The series of Israeli offensives against Gaza, which began on November 4, ended when Egypt's new President Mohamed Morsi brokered a ceasefire between Hamas and the Israeli government on November 13. The possibility of this ceasefire holding up, however, seems remote.

talib Courtesy: movieevery/WikimediaCommons
26 November 2012

Squeezing the Haqqanis: Will it work?

In the backdrop of a gradually weakening Quetta Shura, the Haqqani network has emerged as a powerful extremist group operating in the Afghanistan-Pakistan theater. How can the UN Security Council's recent sanctions against the Haqqanis act as a potential de-motivator for this Pakistan-based terrorist outfit?

afghanistan route 606 Courtesy: Isafmedia/Flickr
25 October 2012

Afghanistan: Strategic depth to strategic peace

As the NATO troops prepare to pull out of Afghanistan in 2014, India is already positioned to take on a larger, pro-active role, which can radically alter the balance of power in South Asia. However, what will determine the future of security in the region, is how India and Afghanistan deal with Pakistan.

siachen pic Courtesy: Guilhem Vellut/WikimediaCommons
16 October 2012

Siachen: To hold or to fold?

There have been many discussions on the need to de-militarise the Siachen Glacier. Why have India and Pakistan suddenly begun to believe that they were mistaken in holding on to the region all this while? What are the possible ramifications of de-militarising this strategic location?

pacific islands2 Courtesy: mpeacey/Flickr
27 September 2012

The geo-strategic Pacific Islands

Traditionally, the South Pacific islands have been considered strategically insignificant. However, the need for resources, and the geopolitical shift towards Asia-Pacific have prompted nations to realize that these small island states control large resource-rich ocean areas and are increasingly geostrategic.

chris stevens casket Courtesy: Secretary of Defense/Flickr
20 September 2012

Death of an Ambassador

Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the U.S. envoy to Libya, was killed, following protests against a controvertial movie, titled 'Innocence of Muslims.' Is an anti-U.S. sentiment to be blamed for this violence? What consequences will this incident have on the U.S. policies towards Libya and Syria?

manmohan zardari_0 Courtesy: Cropbot, Russavia/WikimediaCommons
17 September 2012

Advantage: Pakistan

Manmohan Singh is likely to visit Pakistan later this year. As the first visit of an Indian Prime Minister to the country in 8 years, it will be a significant event. The timing and the agenda of the PM’s visit, however, raise a few questions.

angre2 Courtesy: Columbia/WikimediaCommons
4 September 2012

Kanhoji Angre: India’s first naval commander

In the 1700s, one man antagonized the European powers, and insisted on the Maratha Empire’s rights to taxation and sovereignty over Maharashtra’s coast. He was Kanhoji Angre, the head of the Maratha navy. How did he, 283 years ago, set an important precedent for the Subcontinent’s local powers?

24 August 2012

Syria: What next?

With the Free Syrian Army being supplied aid by the West and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, the endgame for the Syrian regime has begun. Does Assad's exit guarantee the replacement of autocracy with democracy? What implications will it have on regional politics?