rsz_5726737993_5c0c7d3d9f_z_1 Courtesy: US Mission Geneva
9 November 2011

How private companies are transforming the global public health agenda

Over the last three decades, public funding for global health organizations has dried up. Private companies are writing checks to fill the gap and are bending the agenda toward their interests. Realigning priorities will mean getting more private firms involved - not less.

SAARC pic Courtesy: PMO
8 November 2011

Reviving SAARC

Creating a neighbourhood of compatible interests in South Asia isn’t easy, especially when intra-regional trade accounts for only 5% of total trade in the region. However, the region has seen considerable progress in the past year. India is well poised to lead the change, starting with the upcoming SAARC summit.

foreign affairs november issue cover Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
1 November 2011

Is Indonesia Bound for the BRICs?

As Indonesia hosts a number of high-level summits this year, it looks set to take its place among the world’s economic superstars. But celebrations are premature: although Indonesia has made great strides, its gains are reversible. To continue to prosper, Jakarta must address rampant corruption and poor governance

nicolas krul pic Courtesy: Gateway House
25 October 2011

Nicolas Krul: “There will be no derailment of the [painful] adjustment process in Europe…”

Gateway House’s Hari Seshasayee interviewed Nicolas Krul. A stout defender of European unity, Krul discussed the origins of the crisis, the lessons learned, possible solutions and the opportunities for the emerging world.

brazil india africa Courtesy: PMO
21 October 2011

India-Brazil: An African collaboration

India and Brazil’s increasing engagement in Africa is a clear sign that both countries are embracing their new roles as global diplomats. By joining forces to bolster Africa’s food security, they have the chance to break ground on a tangible agenda that could have a far-reaching impact on matters of global concern

reasserting Courtesy: PMO
26 September 2011

Reasserting India’s independence

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s speech at the UN General Assembly has put Indian perceptions on the record and clearly outlined India’s independent foreign policy. India came out unequivocally in support of the Palestinian struggle & reiterated its traditional stance of respecting countries’ sovereignty.

mahmoud abbas and obama Courtesy:
26 September 2011

Obama loses high ground on Middle East

Repeated applause greeted Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' speech to the UN General Assembly, asking for support for the “establishment of Palestine.” But with the U.S. backing Israel, under almost all circumstances, will Abbas' proposal be able to bring about any change?

brics bailing out europe piece Courtesy:
23 September 2011

BRICS bail-out of Europe: A far cry

In a reversal of historical roles, the BRICS nations may be coming to Europe’s rescue. During the Asian Financial Crisis, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) introduced structural adjustments in return for IMF loans, and many institutions and individuals went bankrupt. Will it be any different now?