evening campfire_ukraine 4_210X140 Courtesy: Flickr
22 July 2014

The dangers of tightrope walking

Eastern Europe has seen tensions rise, increasing violence and a hardening of stands. Only the softening of the stark “either/or” choice currently being demanded by western powers as well as Russia will put an end to the precarious tightrope walking of east European governments and prevent their citizens from becoming victims of increased regional instability

bhutan1 Courtesy: MEA
18 June 2014

Gross regional happiness

Economic security needs to be defined holistically through an open and democratic discourse. A plurality of perspectives on what constitutes development is essential to democracy across the world. Grass roots protests are driven by a longing for a truly inclusive and fair model of growth.

SAARC Courtesy: Kotakkalnet/Flickr
27 May 2014

Hopes for a South Asia union

The South Asian region is one of the least integrated in terms of trade and human interaction. The presence of SAARC leaders at the swearing-in ceremony of the new government heralds a step towards removing barriers and integrating the economies of this region

Oman India gas route_googlemaps Courtesy: Google Maps
23 May 2014

Oman gas pipeline back in favour

An underwater gas pipeline project connecting Oman with India’s west coast is being resurrected. Several factors explain the renewed interest, including the relaxing of sanctions against Iran and India’s need to counter-balance geopolitical and security considerations dogging other land-based projects

spacewarfare Courtesy: US-Navy/Wikimedia Commons
9 May 2014

Securing outer space assets

The UN’s Transparency and Confidence Building Measures for Outer Space Activities to address terrestrial anti-satellite weapons have spawned schismatic instruments such as the EU’s International Code of Conduct and a Sino-Russian treaty. India must weigh its national interests before agreeing to these drafts

rajapaksa Courtesy: Alexander Nikiforov/Wikimedia Commons
9 April 2014

Sri Lanka’s UNHRC challenge

India abstained from voting on the recent UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka calling for an international probe into the alleged war crimes committed by the Sri Lankan government. Sri Lanka has the option of rejecting the resolution, but it will have to evolve a strategy keeping in mind India’s concerns

Foreign Affairs March 2014 Courtesy: Foreign Affairs
4 April 2014

Eastern Europe Goes South

Many eastern European states who are part of the EU and were admitted only after being deemed compliant with the Copenhagen criteria have seen political parties in these countries become increasingly illiberal