brazil2 Courtesy: Semilla Luz/Flickr
8 August 2013

Brazil: Why protests will persist

Though Brazil is a vibrant democracy, grievances over inadequate provision of public services and government overspending will not be resolved quickly due to the political disconnect with the needs of the people. Fernando Veloso blogs about the possible determinants and consequences of the protests

mugabe governmentZA flickr Courtesy: GovernmentZA/Flickr
7 August 2013

Zimbabwe: The road to stability?

The ZANU-PF party’s recent victory in the elections in Zimbabwe is fraught with allegations of manipulation. Reactions have varied, but South African President Jacob Zuma has endorsed the outcome. How will Mugabe’s re-election impact relations with South Africa? What will be the impact on Zimbabwe’s economy?

Asitimes - Flickr Courtesy: Asitimes/ Flickr
31 July 2013

A new blueprint for China

Indian and Chinese companies routinely bid against each other in their quest to secure oilfields and other resource pools resulting in rising prices. However, a preferable recourse would be for the nations, along with ASEAN, to collaborate as there is enough for all

biden MEA 2 Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs, India
31 July 2013

The importance of Biden’s visit

Although the office of the U.S. vice president seldom plays a role in defining the country’s foreign policy, the recently concluded visit of Vice President Joe Biden to India – the first such visit in nearly three decades – has thrown open several questions, answers to which hold upshots for India and her neighbours. Chintamani Mahapatra blogs

manmohan kerry MEA Courtesy: Ministry of External Affairs
30 July 2013

India’s torpor, U.S.’ frustration

Policy-making in India remains haphazard, and in the name of ‘strategic autonomy’ New Delhi is scuttling its own rise. Biden’s visit underlines India’s importance in the U.S.’ strategic calculus. India must now decide what role it sees for the U.S. in its foreign policy matrix and for itself in the global order