ASEAN-PIC Courtesy: Khem Sovannara/AFP/Getty Images
17 November 2022

ASEAN: Congruity with contradiction

Cambodia’s chairmanship of ASEAN exposed the grouping’s inherent incongruities and cleavages, despite its best intentions. To be taken seriously by its partners, ASEAN needs to first take itself seriously and adhere to the core of its charter.

Indian Flags G20 Courtesy: Shutterstock
17 November 2022

Dialogue and diplomacy for peace

Despite the current tense global atmosphere, India and its foreign policy have remained true to its core of peace and security for all and equity and justice for the developing world. Throughout history, dialogue and diplomacy has been supported as a solution to dispute. Now, as G20 President, New Delhi can sow these seeds of peace in an increasingly multipolar world.

EuropeProtests-01[85] copy Courtesy: Gateway House
17 November 2022

Protests across Europe

Discontent over high energy prices, spiralling living costs, and anti war sentiments have gripped Europe, resulting in protests and civil unrest across the continent. With no immediate solution in sight, public resentment is likely to intensify through the coming winter months

Stalemate in Myanmar Courtesy: Ye Aung Thu/AFP
10 November 2022

The continuing stalemate in Myanmar

Nearly two years after the military coup in Myanmar, tensions remain, with no domestic or international solution in sight. Despite these setbacks, the Myanmarese people's commitment to democracy has not faltered. As they did a decade ago, the Myanmar elite and leadership of both camps must once again use resilience and pragmatism to craft a way out of the current crisis.

modi-g20-summit final Courtesy: Reuters
8 November 2022

The Group of Twenty Today: India’s Opportunity to Lead

On Dec 1, India will take over the Presidency of the G20, the premier global forum for dialogue and cooperation on global economics and financial issues. This is a unique grouping, where developing and developed countries come together with equal status. Understanding its mission, past trajectory, institutional mechanisms, work methods, and the multiplicity of challenges it addresses, is critical today and requires a serious examination.

6QB47446R5OTZIJ7UQHTVFWBUY Courtesy: Reuters/Amer Hussain
8 November 2022

G20 and Climate Change: Hegemony of Power to global support

India's G20 Presidency in 2023 will be the time of the global stocktake on climate change negotiations under the 2015 Paris Agreement and the upcoming COP28. It's an opportunity for the G20 troika of Indonesia, India and Brazil to move the needle on the key challenge of climate financing and turn the G-20 away from hegemonistic power control to being a global support mechanism.

COP Infographic Courtesy: Gateway House
3 November 2022

Climate conventions and CoPs

On November 6, Egypt will host the COP27, the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. This infographic shows the two types of multilateral approaches and agreements under which countries solve the shared global challenge of climate change: Conventions or treaties and CoPs or Conference of Parties.

Members of a pro-Russian association support a decision of the Kharkiv city council to make the Russian language official in the city. From left to right, their placards say: "[City] Councillors! Ensure language equality. Don't forsake your fellow Slavs!" "For half of the population of Ukraine - Russian is a native language!" "Authorities - bring back the Russian [language] schools!" "Russian language [is] not foreign! And we [are] not foreigners!" Courtesy: Gennadiy Makarov/Wikimedia Commons
3 November 2022

The battle for Russian language in Ukraine

Language, nationality, and belonging have always been contentious issues in Ukraine. At least until February 2022, Russian remained the main language of business in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, as well as the main lingua in the streets. Now there’s a parallel battle ongoing to eliminate the Russian language from Ukraine.