rsz_dsc_5332 Courtesy: Gateway House
13 March 2018

Understanding financialisation

Claude Lopez, Director, International Finance and Macroeconomics Research, Milken Institute, spoke to Gateway House on how innovation in the financial sector does not come from finance, but from technology, and the private sector ought to take the lead in regulating the instruments of tomorrow

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13 March 2018

Israel’s model approach to R&D, innovation

In OECD rankings, Israel frequently occupies top position for its investment in Research and Development. Deborah Housen-Couriel, Former member, Director-General’s Bureau, Israel Ministry of Communications & Fellow, Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center, Tel Aviv University, Israel, in conversation with Gateway House

SARAS Transport AC gets ready for take off during    HAL Review by Sh AK Antony on 25-10-08 at Bangalore Courtesy: Wikipedia
24 January 2018

Powering a comprehensive national transportation policy

The year-old UDAN Regional Connectivity Scheme has mobilised India’s aviation sector, helping consolidate a domestic market for its indigenous commercial aircraft. It can similarly nurture strategic emerging industries – if a national transportation policy is put in place

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22 November 2017

India-Japan lunar bid: targeting tech gap?

The two countries’ proposal to carry out a robotic sample-return mission to the Moon in the 2020s is a laudable attempt at catching up with Beijing’s rather more advanced lunar agenda. And there are many lessons that Japan can offer India

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14 September 2017

Venus: testing ground for high-technologies

The Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) recently announced intention to visit the planet Venus – the third celestial destination for India after the Moon and Mars – is a significant academic pursuit. But can New Delhi use this opportunity to develop cutting-edge trans-disciplinary technologies and advance its space diplomacy?

Deep Sea expedition China Courtesy: China Daily
6 July 2017

China’s underwater defence strategy

The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has been steadily building its underwater infrastructure since the 1980s to undertake energy-efficient, long-range and dual-purpose reconnaissance and exploration missions. While the Indian Navy’s superiority is unquestionable, New Delhi should provide it the crucial futuristic paraphernalia