
Become a member

Gateway House: Indian Council on Global Relations is a foreign policy think-tank established in Mumbai in 2009. We are an independent, non-partisan, membership-based organization based on intellectual scholarship. We are modeled on, and mentored by, the Council on Foreign Relations, New York, U.S.

In order to give our members an in-depth and holistic understanding of international affairs and India’s foreign policy, Gateway House focuses on three important areas – scholarshipevents and outreach.

Along with access to scholarly papers and events with corporate leaders, visiting dignitaries, ambassadors and heads of state or government, Gateway House also provides its members with a platform to meet like-minded individuals and develop an informed opinion about important issues being debated by the international community.

Our current membership includes individuals, corporations and institutions interested in analyzing world affairs. Moreover, our membership program has four tiers – Founder membership, Corporate membership, Associate membership and Individual membership.

Membership program  

Founder membership

Corporate membership 

Application form: Download

Associate membership

Application form (NGOs and Members of Armed Forces/Academia): Download

Application form (Embassies, Consulates, and High Commissions): Download

Individual membership

Application form: Download

For further information, contact Celine D’Silva at + at 91 -22- 2202 3371 or


My vision for a think tank began in 1950, with a group of like-minded businessmen from the city of Bombay. We said, unless we base our Democracy on knowledge, there will be no substance to it. The idea was to feed our leaders with independent information so they can make wise, unbiased decisions. Such initiatives need personalities with will and dedication around institutions that can be built. That did not fructify; but sixty years later, GatewayHouse did.

 Keshub Mahindra, Chairman Emeritus, Mahindra & Mahindra.


Gateway House is an institution which bridges India’s business and official communities and accesses counterparts around the globe. India is just beginning to develop an infrastructure of “think tanks” and Gateway House is the first serious effort to create one which marries India’s policy interest andits business concerns. Success with Gateway House is important to us in the United States, who believe a partnership with India is important to the future of our two countries and world’s peace and prosperity.

 – Frank G. Wisner, former U.S. Ambassador to India, Egypt, the Philippines and Zambia

Gateway House is a vital and over-due initiative. It is significant that Gateway House has chosen to focus on ‘Global Relations’ rather than foreign policy. The latter has tended to be limited to actions of governments and a few powerful elements in each nation. Global Relations, more and more, will be an engagement between people of different nations, across different fields of work and ideological persuasion – reaching across apparent barriers in search of common ground and shared understanding.

– Rajni Bakshi, Author, ‘Bapu Kuti‘ & ‘Bazaars, Conversation and Freedom