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15 November 2016,

Modi’s Set to Get Tougher on China and Pakistan

Sameer Patil, Fellow, National Security, Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism Studies, Gateway House, was quoted in an article by Bloomberg on Modi's foreign policy with regards to China and Pakistan.

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Below is the quote from Sameer,

‘He knows, however, he can’t afford to let tensions escalate too far with Pakistan or China, said Sameer Patil, a fellow at Mumbai-based Gateway House. China is India’s largest trading partner with a two-way relationship worth $74.9 billion annually.

For that reason, Modi has delegated harsher rhetoric to cabinet colleagues, Patil said, allowing him to keep his policy options open — and risks to India’s growth low.

“They realize the benefits of India being with China, the risks of escalating with China,” Patil said. “He’s calculated his policies accordingly.”‘

Read the full article here. It was also republished by The Economic TimesSinaSoha News, and Indian Defence Research Wing.