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28 August 2014, The Odisha Bulletin

Pakistan no more a good neighbour situation proved

Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, comments on the Indian government's decision to call off foreign secretary level talks with Pakistan following the Pakistan High Commissioner to India Abdul Basit's meeting with Hurriyat separatist leaders from Jammu and Kashmir

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Pakistan, no more a good neighbour situation proved. Despite all efforts being taken from India  ,no positive result is ever achieved.Still initiatives not shunned by India as yet .However ,Narendra Modi  leadership protects the sentiments of the Indians.

The abrupt cancellation of the Indo-Pak talks marks a new phase in the proactive foreign policy drive initiated by New Delhi ever since the BJP-led dispensation came to power in May, and the move could hold the key to how the Narendra Modi government might deal with policy provocation in the future. Senior Indian diplomat Vivek Katju who has engaged with Pakistan closely in the past said Modi may have tried to draw a red line in conducting diplomacy when his government decided to call off the talks.