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21 April 2012, The Hindu

Persian puzzle needs new players

The Hindu republished Ambassador Peter Jenkins' article on the Iranian nuclear issue. The author argues that India and BRICS can leverage their influence on the West and help in the process of arriving at a negotiated settlement with Tehran.

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The outcome of nuclear talks in Istanbul on April 14 justifies a diplomatic cheer. For the first time in years the parties — the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the European Union, Russia, China and Iran — set no preconditions for engaging. The atmosphere was cordial. The parties agreed to embark on a sustained step-by-step process of reciprocal concessions to arrive at a negotiated settlement. Crucially, the parties recognised that the Nuclear No-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) offers a basis for a peaceful outcome — a principle that has eluded the West ever since it set out to deny Iran a uranium enrichment capability in the belief that this would be used to produce nuclear weapons.


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