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28 October 2014, Foreign Affairs

Promises to Keep

The Millennium Development Goals are set to expire at the end of 2015. The time is near for world leaders to make some hard choices, to decide on new targets which will offer the greatest returns on investment

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The United Nations has always had lots of targets, goals, and declarations. You probably didnÕt know, for example, that 2014 is the International Year of Family Farming and the International Year of Crystallography — or that you are currently living through the Decade of Action for Road Safety. Such initiatives often reflect good intentions but rarely prove consequential. Between 1950 and 2000, at least 12 UN resolutions called for some form of universal education. In 1961, the so-called Addis Ababa Plan pledged that primary schooling in Africa would be Òuniversal, compulsory and freeÓ within two decades. Twenty years later, nearly half of all African children were still out of school. Countless other efforts promised equally lofty achievements, from gender equality to world peace, that never materialized.

But in 2000, something remarkable happened: the UN channeled its noblest aspirations into something more concrete. One hundred heads of state and 47 heads of government — the largest meeting of world leaders in history — descended on New York for the UN Millennium Summit and embraced a short list of ambitious challenges that later became known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The objectives — to reduce poverty, fight disease, get kids in school, and so on — essentially boiled down to nine specific, verifiable targets, subject to a hard deadline: December 31, 2015.


This article was originally published by Foreign Affairs. You can read the rest of the article here.

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